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(2 edits)

Seems like we're having similar taste there, hehe.

I also find Wuelie super cute and I hope that there will be more character depth for her and more complex scenes than just penetrating Nene's ass, in the future; personally I'd prefer that over having too many shallow characters.

The huge balls was a great idea too, it just adds humour and creativity to the gameplay.

It's true, there is a logic gap at getting the bottle filled, which should be filled, either by adding a scene, or dialogue.

-For instance Wuelie could have a bottle of her cum stored already...depending on Nene's character, their relationship and the story-timeline, she could also just "use" Wuelie to fill her bottle while helping her; win-win-situation thing.

However, there is a line that Wuelie likes Nene a lot in the 2nd scene; so maybe there is a deeper relationship initiating? I'd like to see that. :)

-Mofu could also transfer the sex scene to the actual battle, and make a new scene, where she masturbates  in front of Nene.
I think I've bothered mofu with "becoming erect-scenes" already, so I'll just stop there, haha. I think he is going to add a few in the future.

(Also, just for the lols, if mofu adds a new scene with Wuelie, he could make Wuelie's and Nene's hair stand all out in a disheveled manner after the event) ^^

Also, mofu, if you read it (if you don't, ill repost!)

There is a suggestion and I'm sorry if I'm not the first one to mention it, but Nene's 2d model dick is way too big when she is wearing the erectshroom, it doesn't fit, compared to her 3d model, nor the model of other characters. I think it should be easy to downscale the graphic a bit.

Then I've also got questions:

Have you thought of implementing a crossover character already? For instance from あきあまれ or メッシイ?

Have you thought of implementing a pet link mechanic? For instance linking to a pet and gaining certain skill or advantage, or fighting  boss (like Momo) during a phase when only her pet is vulnerable?