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A member registered May 25, 2022

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Didn't know such softwares are viable nowadays...might give it a try.

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There's always the possibility to make an encounter with an enemy versus whom the chance for victory is close to zero, but the player can get a revenge towards the end of the game, when they have progressed and became stronger.

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Here's the newest and corrected translation file for german.

Also, please notice me mofu-senpai, it seems you have missed my latest posts. :)

Cheers, that's kind of how I perceive her and try to translate accordingly.  I also noticed that you paid attention to it, when reading your translation, which is pretty cool. I try to keep her consistent during all the dialogues.

I'm considering to make an alternative version of translation, which doesn't stick as close to the japanese style and is more "direct".

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Now you're making me nervous 😅...

There you go:

I had to use the first picture you uploaded ofof her, because the one in-game lacks a bit of her body. However, the first picture you have posted was very small in size. So the sharpness quite differs, I'm sorry about that. ^^
But if you like it, perhaps you could fix that, since you have the original picture, or if you send it to me then I can adjust it.


By the way mofu, have you read my comment about the 2d dick size with the erectshroom equipped? I answered an older post of someone else, so you might have missed it.

Don't tell me you have never heard of "pussy/pussie" in your social environment 😁 

I thought it somewhat fits there because as an anglicism, it is a softer word than most german alternatives , but yet it is also obscene. So it might fit a character who can become kinky at a given time, but without it actually being a dominant characteristic of them.

For instance, "Mumu" is a "Verniedlichung" , if you get what i mean, so it best fits to characters which are childish or cute and do not prefer to show their dirty side or maybe who are even innocent. So those were my thoughts behind it...sometimes I also just chose it by feeling, though.

What would be your suggestion at the part with Linnea and how do you perceive Nene as a character though? I'm curious.

I could upload a little "teaser" of her, because I've fiddled around with her 3d model, but on the other hand I don't want to ruin mofu's surprise and I might as well just upload it afterwards 🤔...

I'll do it only if mofu consents, anyway

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Seems like we're having similar taste there, hehe.

I also find Wuelie super cute and I hope that there will be more character depth for her and more complex scenes than just penetrating Nene's ass, in the future; personally I'd prefer that over having too many shallow characters.

The huge balls was a great idea too, it just adds humour and creativity to the gameplay.

It's true, there is a logic gap at getting the bottle filled, which should be filled, either by adding a scene, or dialogue.

-For instance Wuelie could have a bottle of her cum stored already...depending on Nene's character, their relationship and the story-timeline, she could also just "use" Wuelie to fill her bottle while helping her; win-win-situation thing.

However, there is a line that Wuelie likes Nene a lot in the 2nd scene; so maybe there is a deeper relationship initiating? I'd like to see that. :)

-Mofu could also transfer the sex scene to the actual battle, and make a new scene, where she masturbates  in front of Nene.
I think I've bothered mofu with "becoming erect-scenes" already, so I'll just stop there, haha. I think he is going to add a few in the future.

(Also, just for the lols, if mofu adds a new scene with Wuelie, he could make Wuelie's and Nene's hair stand all out in a disheveled manner after the event) ^^

Also, mofu, if you read it (if you don't, ill repost!)

There is a suggestion and I'm sorry if I'm not the first one to mention it, but Nene's 2d model dick is way too big when she is wearing the erectshroom, it doesn't fit, compared to her 3d model, nor the model of other characters. I think it should be easy to downscale the graphic a bit.

Then I've also got questions:

Have you thought of implementing a crossover character already? For instance from あきあまれ or メッシイ?

Have you thought of implementing a pet link mechanic? For instance linking to a pet and gaining certain skill or advantage, or fighting  boss (like Momo) during a phase when only her pet is vulnerable?

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Darn, you've actually beaten me to it, but I think you've done a good job there.

However, I fixed several typos and grammatical mistakes, and added translations for the new items.

Further more, I've refined some lines or changed some awkward lines mostly at the Stone statue and Wuelie (some seemed awkward in the english translation already but I haven't changed them)

-Generally I thought the statue should sound more determined, because apparently it is a  transcendental being of some sort.

-Also, I like the word "Mumu" actually, I wonder why I haven't used it so was a good idea to add it, but I thought it doesn't really fit to Wuelie saying it, while she is fully immersed in her lewdy state, I think it would be more plausible for her to turn obscene at this point. But feel free to give me your opinion of it.

Since you have made the initial lines, you may decide on which parts to update or not, however, the corrected typos/mistakes should definetely be updated. Then it should be reposted, so mofu won't miss it 😁 ...

Talking of auto-translators: I actually think they make a pretty decent job meanwhile. Neither the english, nor the german translation is that far away from the original, and syntax is often correct too, or understandable at the very least, which is impressing to me.

Here's the file:

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I fixed a few minor things in translation

Now the problem is just, I decided to fiddle around with the actions again, but if I use [next] or [cr] actions, the game will remain in black screen 🤔 ...

Most of these games don't have decent art.

Sadly, well drawn, authentic, animated (even static) futa art is quite seldom.

Personally, I prefer balls too, but don't mind if they have none; but it looks quite awkward to me if it grows directly out of the vagina like a humongous clitoris with a tiny base. 🤔

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It's always good to have plenty of adventure potential in a game, in a way that requires the player to go unconvential ways and perhaps not even advance in the game or play purposeful; a sandbox effect within the game, so to say.

Maybe you'll find a middle way or an alternative for it.

(Also a gimmick to increase replayability btw, hehe)

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This isn't a triple A title and when it comes to translating programming time : playing time, then replayable minigames will be, more often than not, more efficient than tweaking or polishing the main game, especially in the platformer sector.

In the end it also comes down to personal preferences and the individual design of the game or minigames.

If mofu really plans to put a fix finish on the game, then it won't make much sense to add a minigame at the very end; barely anyone will profit from it, as most won't return just to play a minigame; while the other way around it will definetely work; most people will come back because they want to play the full game.

My suggestion would be to prioritise the minigames by the necessary effort to create them; he could add the biggest effort minigames at the very end, within a huge update, which will also end the last quarter of the storyline (once the game mechanics are stable and fix) and the easier-to-create minigames before, to keep the game interesting and the community attracted.
(And also to add a public to-do-list, perhaps...) so people can comprehend better what's still to come and what not and whether it makes sense to make a likely trivial suggestion or not.

Oh, and last but not least I think that programming minigames is definetely one of the more rewarding tasks.

Or what do you think, mofu? I know you like coding mini games  😁

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What means distracting from main game? There are quite a few games, in which the minigames sum up to be a fair competitor to the main game. 😃

Improving replayability of a game can be better than finishing it as soon as possible (whatever finishing means, to begin with)

Sure, there is more than one way to improve replayability, but minigames is a comparatively easy one, and the best is, one doesn't have to finish the game to make it replayable (e.g. by programming different endings, or the like)

(A minigame can be also to have repeating boss fights under different scenarios, by the way)

...Altough I don't know if having cock-swordfights is really feasible without having tealas' physics 🤔

Sounds like an interesting idea ^ ^ 👍

...and implement minigames with highscores, thehe


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In this case I don't understand the discussion about it making it more complicated for translators, as it is an entirely optional option. 😺

Do you have a demo of the effects?

- Never mind, I see I can simulate it myself. Problem is just, that the effect lasts for the whole conversation instead of selected words. ^ ^'

Okay, I'll move my question from the other thread to here, since it's better visible here. 

We were at the topic with the action phrases? an the translation. How does one activate these actions? Because all I can find are the ordinary conversation scripts.

Okay, and how do I activate these effects? Because I haven't seen any possibility to do so, yet.

What exactly is the reason for the hassle about the more difficult translation now?

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Keeping the community/followers/players engaged during the creation process is best done by adding in-game implemented, addicting minigames with high replay value (and possibly a high-score, or item rewards in later stages of development, like in fuuju hime.

The possibilities are nearly endless;  hitting mushna's head with cynthia's hammer in a hammer hitting game, arousing Wuelie to the peak in a dance/key-pattern game (well, similar to the sex mini-game, I suppose), making catera evolve to a butterfly in a shoot 'em up mini-game; hell, do I know, but probably best to start with the easiest to code; which probably would be to expand on the implemented key-pattern minigame...

But, nnhh....blimey, I didn't want to give any suggestions apologies mofu, I was overwhelmed, hihi... ^ ^'

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Hello mofu, 

I've updated german translation for v0.031.31 and fixed some minor issues

is there anything else you could need some help with?

I have also some improvement suggestions to make, but I see there are so many suggestions, and you have so much to do already, that even I don't have an overview anymore, so I better keep them to myself. ^ ^'

 I'm pretty sure the game will develop in a great way, it is normal for it to take it's time, especially if it's a solo project.

Thank you. 🤗

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Thank you two, I'm appreciating feedback 👍🏻 (especially positive one, thehe)
It's so relieving to read such things during these harsh times...

You're such a nice person, mofu, there should be more directors like you.  😊

Keira (succubus) all the way!

I see you can read my mind...or I can read yours. ^ ^

However, animations are much more difficult and work-intensive than picture scenes, aren't they?

I'm looking forward to it and wish you best of luck. 😊

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Mofu, I've got a question; I'm yet missing a futa with a normal-sized dick (normal sized in futa-terms, similar to Nene's) and normal sized boobs. Perhaps Keira could be that futa?
I suppose it depends whether she has a hard or (semi)flaccid dick on her first picture. Please, let it be a surprise. I like her body, anyway. hihi 😁

But in case there will be such futa, my request would be for her to be a smart, confident and maybe somewhat teasing personality and to compare dicks and other traits with Nene . (Which, by the way, I think fits a succubus quite well!)

Another request I have, and generally really good addition of detail, would be dick growth/hardening scenes and I hope to see more veins in the future, or vein modifications via certain items. The veins on Momo are really neat. 👍


By the way, here's the updated translation:

Translated cynthia and I realised the death lines were missing in german translation so I added them as well.
There are a few more lines missing, which seem to be "teleporter unlocked" and the puppet skills.

Also, thanks for your trust in granting freedom for translation. :)

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Yes, that's a point.

My suggestion: Maximum 2 translators per language, so they can give each other feedback, fix typos, or jump in if one of them has no time. They communicate changes/fixes here to each other, but everyone changes the lines only he/she has translated. Then they release a txt. file. If it is still in work and not supposed to be implemented there will be an "(edit)" in the file's name.

@Darkcry; I'll do the Teala thing and reupload, you won't need to do it anymore. Edit: Here's the new latest file:

Here's the link to the latest file:

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Ah, all right. Yes, that part is machine-translated.

You can find the german and other language-scripts in the game folder>src>language>dt.txt

I've fixed some things on the latest dt.txt-file and will upload it, you should work from this on.  As for the new character Cynthia; I've only changed the first few lines of <u6own> and <ev13>.
 I'm curious how you'll make it sound. However, you should try to keep Nene's language similar to the rest of the game.

From what it seems you'll also have to copy Teala's lines, which are all u16+ev12 lines, from another language file into the dt.txt; that is, if you want to translate that part as well. 

Some lines might have to be translated directly from japanese, as the english translation is faulty at times.

Oh, and leave a small hint here once you are starting to work on it, because then I won't continue and we avoid double work.

I hope you're not talking about the part I've translated. Perhaps you can supply more accurate and constructive criticism.

Anyway, the more opinions come together, the better, since there is quite some room for interpretation and taste.
