This is great! I don't know if anyone will remember this but it reminds me of the minigame in Beyond Good and Evil where you have to control two pearls independently (using the left and right sticks). The levels feel tough but fair - my only quibble would be that it seems as though the bubble and/or mines have square hitboxes that make it difficult to tell exactly how close you can get, especially diagonally: trying to get the bubbles in between the two small mines in particular feels like a bit of a dice roll.
My only other quibble would be that needing keyboard and mouse feels like overkill. I'd like to see the option to control left/right with mouse movements and separation with left click and/or keyboard only (maybe with S on WASD or down on arrow keys to separate). A really trivial gripe for a jam game, I know - I just think it would be nice to have a control scheme that lets people play one-handed.