Nice to see more godot shmups being made.
It's hard to pick up point items and power due to how fast they fall and due to most fairies firing a steady stream of bullets along the trajectory of the items. It's not bad, though. It adds some interesting risk vs reward and the game doesn't seem to rely on the player being powered up anyway.
Hina's spell card was pretty cool, and every attack seems to have about the right amount of HP. Cirno is too easy, but maybe there is a narrative reason for her to be anti-climactic.
Also, the file size seems to be too big for a 2D godot game of this scope. I suspect there is a whole bunch of unused assets included in the game, or that the music files are larger than they need to be. Godot will happily include unused files in the directory when you export, so I always work with my assets in a separate directory and only move the final assets into the project directory.