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Congratulations! The game is very challenging and fun to play! Finishing the puzzles really gives you that feeling of satisfaction that a game should give the player! The music is very good as well.

The only thing that was a bit confusing for me was the restart game system, it should be a bit easier in my opinion. I took a little bit to figure out how to restart the level.


Hi thanks  for playing! The restart system was something I coded early so used the animation as the timer and I didn't have a chance to change it in the final, but do you think it would be better if it had no timer and just opened the menu straight away?


Oh I see! In my experience, the menu should  open right away, because in your game, when you press the button, the game will not restart right away, so there is no danger of restarting by mistake.

Thanks it was something I did plan to do once the jam was over along with adding more levels and publishing the game :P