Something guys that don't give a damn and are content running around with zombies and a harem enjoying the game.
That's the point of my experience feedback.
I can't enjoy the harem because I can't take the women seriously since their bodies are so ridiculously disproportionate.
I don't know what went into the mind of the developer when he commissionned an artist who draws women with such ridiculous breasts, her CG just get in the way of the enjoyment of the experience because they make the women look ridiculous when they should be attractive.
When I think that ScarlettAnn is herself a woman, I don't understand how she could be so off-topic when it comes to women bodies.
As I previously said, proportions are important, the fact that the artist who has drawn the CG for Zombie's Retreat doesn't know such a basic knowledge just shows that they are clueless.
And currently, I feel upset because I was not able to enjoy any scene of this game because the women all look ridiculous, I can't help it, I try hard but I definitely can't take them seriously.
I am pissed at the artist to be honest.
I hope that the developer will fix this mess and ask to the artist to reproportionate the bodies of the women in all CG.
That shouldn't take a lot of work as only the breasts need to be redrawn, the rest is already well drawn to be honest.
And if she doesn't want because she draws all of her women with ridiculous breasts, then change the artist for one who will not ruin the game with off-topic CG.
I just can't get what went into the mind of the artist when she thought "Hey! I'm gonna draw women with breasts bigger than their whole bodies, so big that we will not be able to see their belly anymore, so heavy that gravity will nail them on the ground and make them unable to move, and that will look great!" and I don't care because all I see right now is that her ugly CG prevent me to enjoy the experience of a nice game, they get in the way of my enjoyment and that pisses me off because the developer did a good job but it is ruined by the CG!