Hey no problem I enjoy making games. Soon I'll push another bug fixing update with some quality of life features, like asking if you want to make a new game over an old game. Also Simon will from there on after have the proper knock back like in other metroidvanias. Also few new effects, minor graphical improvements and maybe few small areas will be added. This update might be coming next week.
Thanks for reporting this. =)
Thats intended. Its more related to old NES, Sega game logic/controls. Pressing up usually means entering/activating something in sidescrollers. But true it might be confusing, I might change it to down button. What comes to stairs I wanted to keep it like in the original Simons Quest. I could have just done it the same way as diagonal blocks function in the game. Just a matter of preference. But yes if you think it should be press down I could change that for next version (if i remember to do so). But as for the stairs there are not too many of them so I might not change it to the just walking slopes option but we shall see. But I can tell you its harder the way I did it, more so matching the walking animation with the stairs.
EDIT: after testing I remembered why its not donwards key. You cant crouch in many situations, and get extra hits for accidental stair access.
Next update has gotten alot bigger than I expected but its almost done. Next version will include (in short): New enemies, new areas, redid the whole lost castle, second boss finaly done properly, new effects, new animations, A LOT OF FIXES, improved menu controls, improved graphics, quality of life fixes (asking if overwrite, screen centering after changing screen size, etc). I might be able to get it out tomorrow. Still have to make one more area, make short cut out of a certain place and maybe add petrified status (the same effect from a game like Castlevania: SOTN).
Thanks for the info and feel free to inform any oddities, weirdness and such.