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A member registered Dec 27, 2019

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Great commercial!

(1 edit)

I'm loving the amount of detail and care you're putting into this project! Thanks again. It's an honor to test this game!

I was in the aquifer area, where I believe the heart is located, and the game crashed when I reached a certain spot, preventing me from progressing through the level.

All good things are worth the nail-biting wait! Thanks again.

It's been a minute! I gave .80 a try! Graphics tweaks look great! I had one small glitch where Simon got stuck and couldn't move. I'm sorry I didn't note where. Other than that, I have no concerns at this time. I'll report some as soon as I encounter any. Thanks again.

Great game!

Thanks for the tip! I decided to take down the video I had and redo it. I like the new video much more. I will share it as soon as I finish editing it.

I'd seriously be happy to pay for that. Thanks for considering!

(1 edit)

I'll look for those games you're planning!

Want to ask something - I'd like to do a logo for my gaming channel that looks like the CastleVania 2 logo, but says "J.Q. Belmont's Gaming and Adventure Channel". Like have the "J.Q. Belmont's" part in the long pointy bar and the "Gaming and Adventures Channel" part below it. I would pay to have someone do up a PDF of that. If that's not possible, I totally understand.

I can do another video so you can see where things are happening. I was thinking maybe if Simon can "buy" extra lives somehow, that would be good. Maybe buy them from certain priests or merchants? And then once he has them, he always has them. The one life only set up, having to go back to a save point that's fairly far from where I was, is rough. Or install more save points maybe. Thanks again!

The creator named Warhammer has their games starting off with a disclaimer that their game is not-for-profit to cover themselves. They even had someone else upload their game and try to sell it. Fans saw this and notified Warhammer so they could stop it. Be careful.

Simon would also get stuck in the ceilings of the underground areas in the Sadam Woods.

I got to the Aldra area in .74. I still feel like I keep dipping a toe in the poison marshes and getting hurt when I shouldn't? The skeletons with plants of fungi growing on them are really neat!

Is there any box art for the game

I'm trying to capture footage of the game using OBS, but I think I need a windowed mode option to be able to do so... I'm not terribly savvy with capture programs. Does that make sense? Thanks again for this great game!

I think maybe the three lives before the continue screen might be a good idea, like in the original game?

Adding some shadow effects sounds cool! And more lighting from the windows and adding stars to the night sky would be nice! The way Optomon did them in his Holy Relics games, but with parallax movement sounds neat. The windows are fine. I wish there was one more option to stretch the screen just some, like to about 7:5, if I'm understanding the ratios correctly. Optomon has done some really great remixes and original tracks using the CastleVania II sound palette. It's amazing really how much he has been able to modify these old games. If Loeder is willing to have some of their remixes also be added to your game, along with what you've been able to use from Optomon's, that would be great in my opinion! Here's a video of me giving the Lost Castle area a try and seeming to still be tripping on those spikes. The video is an unlisted one since it's just for design helping purposes. Thanks again for allowing me to help! This is such a neat project!

I gave .73 some paly today. I really like the changing sunbeams happening during the day! The spikes and marsh still seem a tad bit touchy. If you want me to make a video showing you what I mean, I can. The 8-bit remixes I was talking about for the Super CastleVania IV music are done by an artist named Loeder on YouTube. Here's a link to one of them to have a listen to.

I had some previous versions of the game on my computer. I have no idea if that would cause the crash. Maybe pressing so many buttons while things were moving on the screen? I'm just beginning too grasp any knowledge of how coding works. I just did a video of myself playing the game yesterday! I'll paste the link on!Me playing Simon's Curse .71 Demo!

The hit detection on spikes and the poison marsh seems a little off. Is making the sub-weapon menu have the weapons appear a little bit larger an option? I can see them, but they seem small. Granted the size you have them at looks like homage to the original game

Ok, thanks you, sounds good! Here's where I encountered another game crash. Just keeping you up to date o these as they happen.




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object frog1_obj:

Variable frog1_obj.myspr_crouch_attackright(101001, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_frog1_obj_Step_0


gml_Object_frog1_obj_Step_0 (line -1)

Ok, thanks! I eventually figured out how to make Simon descend down on the thin platforms (that's what I was having trouble with). I still don't exactly understand if it's like a quick motion of going from the up point on the D-pad to the down point to cause Simon to descend, but eventually he went downward, and I was able to purchase that needed chain whip. Thanks again

Intrigued to hop down some platforms that would lead to a blacksmith (I think) that I would buy a chain whip from, but when I tried to send down, the function didn't happen. It's the house where the woman tells me that her husband isn't at home.

FATALVISION has two channels - the one with the blue robot logo and the one that is the black matrix background like an old Master System game. I think he's using the matrix channel at this point. Something he said about how the algorithm seems to have made it harder for his first channel to be found/discovered. He has a series called RandomVania where he's playing all the hacks he finds. I think he'll be another source of great input if he's on board for testing! There are a few other CV gamer creators and hackers that talk to him there as well! There's a great ContraVania styled game that has a long Japanese title that was made by another game maker that's pretty cool. It has a two-player co-op mode that's nice. He recently replayed that one if you want to see it

It happens consistently

It seems to happen when I use my Y button on my XBox 360 controller (it's not an official controller - VOYEE brand). I'm also running JoyToKey so I can use my left joystick to use as a second D-pad. Here's the message that pops up.




action number 1

of Other Event: Animation End

for object block_obj:

unable to convert string "left" to bool

at gml_Object_block_obj_Other_7


gml_Object_block_obj_Other_7 (line -1)

My opinion and you're free to disregard it - have the throne whip do the leather whip sound from the original CV2 game. Or don't.

Happy to help! Just noticed a glitch. I activated the shield and the game crashed on me. Thanks again.

With .71, I've played up to the mausoleum area. Is the game set up so buying the chain whip isn't possible until after I make it through the mausoleum area? I like your idea of giving grumpy faces to the skeletons who throw their bones! The Day/Night effect working on the monsters in the mansions, etc., as well as outside is awesome! I'll be careful to pay attention to when I go in them! The sound effect for leveling up from VS is a nice touch but do what you need to there to keep things legal Smeagol. I'm working on getting guy who has a channel called FATALVISION to try this game. He's a big CastleVania guy himself. And I'd like to record myself playing the game as well here soon, if that's ok.

.65 is looking good! Your Dabi's path remake is really cool! Glad you found those 8-bit remixes of music from Super CV IV! One small glitch is a werewolf getting stuck when he jumps on the higher ground in the Jova Woods. Wow, great work!

I did notice the upside-down crosses! Very cool that you're able to include so many details. I'll keep playing. Thanks again!

Gave .61 a try! It's playing good so far! The stairs transitions are smoother and the arrow coming up from Simon is a nice touch! Difficulty balance is good! I like the thorn whip sprite! The new enemies at night are a nice touch while being challenging, as they should be! Does it still matter how many days it takes Simon to complete his journey? Small suggestion - have the crosses on the churches be Greek Orthodox crosses maybe? I think it fits better geographically with Romania's branch of Christianity. Or don't! Thanks again.

Sorry it's been a minute since I played this! Will get back on it ASAP! Thanks again for all your hard work

Ok, thank you!

There's a slight delay with the control response when I paly it using the download. It it a controller problem I could tweak to make better? Overall, it looks very good! The graphics overhaul is very nice!

I really like the idea of a remade version of Vampire Killer (MSX version and NES version combined). How possible would it be to incorporate a few more of the elements from the MSX game?

Cool looking reamke, Great graphics work. The controls are, well, clunky? Simon glides ever time he jumps. I like the use of the salesman sprites from Vampire Killer MSX. Optomon's music is great as always.

I promise I searched the comments some before asking this - is 4-palyer co-op possible online on the Steam version? I was impressed with the graphics and music. For what is probably (or looks to be) a simple game, this looks very well done.

Ok! Glad I could help! Just curious - do you know what Optomon is up to these days? I think his racoon game was his last project. I wonder if he's aware of the NESMaker program.

Very neat to see your process!