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(3 edits) (+1)

Hello Euphoniac!

First of all I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for purchasing and playing Rift Walker! I am very excited to have feedback and if you need to give me more feel free to post it on this website or you can contact me on Discord at ZCSully#9186!

The Day and Night cycle is purely cosmetic although the harvestable plants in the forests can be harvested 1 time per day cycle! The farming plants take about 2 minutes to grow in the first tier of plant and scale up by probably a minute or 2 between each tier of plants (seperated tiers by continents)
There is another way to get seeds as well which is more grindable and not time based, the enemies are "Wind Spriggan, Frost Tree Knight, Dune Shroom, Flaming Serpent, Glass Flower" Seperated by continent. The rate is 1/30 for the seed rucksack but I may actually add purchasable rucksacks through the dungeon shop with Win Tokens!
The rocks that you can mine starting at Copper should respawn every 60 seconds or so, these also scale up minutely throughout the game depending on the rock!

I should look into the dashing feature, I think I allowed it in most maps except some interiors and the starting caves just to make the start a little bit slower, perhaps I should put in a running shoes type of thing so it's enabled everywhere except the start!

For the save menu I will try to figure out how to make it look cleaner, currently I just use a Yanfly plugin for RPG Maker that made the menu for me but I think it is customizeable!

The difficulty is kind of confusing as the scaling formula is a bit weird but I dialed the Health down massively as a few updates prior everything was a giant health sponge, although some of the bosses can be quite short but most of them are alright in terms of fight length, some are very long still which I am still playing around with!

Thank you I just put that in the one of the latest updates! The Quest bosses are not farmable but they DO have 100% drops! :) The dungeon bosses are farmable and each unique is about a 1/25 drop! the minibosses I think are 2/50 for the unique and they also can drop Augmentations of their type (I.E. Wind Construct can drop Wind Augment)

The 1 thing with the bestiary is enemies will repeat because I scale some differently (i.e. dungeons) so there may be some repeats I was thinking I can just hide the ones that are encountered after the first version though.