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Medieval RPG that takes place in the Realm of Riftania! You must obtain the 3 Demon Keys and stop the Dark Lord! · By Rift Haven


A topic by Euphoniac created Feb 11, 2023 Views: 380 Replies: 17
Viewing posts 1 to 6

I've just begun my playthrough, the game seems to be decent so far, but I'm a bit miffed that the description didn't mention anything about a day/night cycle (though I should have been aware of the fact that some sort of timer must be implemented with regards to farming etc.). Normally, I don't play JRPGs that feature time pressure elements of this kind (and I consider day/night cycles the worst kind), but I'm inclined to make an exception this time. Are some NPCs/buildings and such in villages only accessible at certain times (I would actually prefer it if the timer only affected the regeneration of farming spots etc.)? Having to visit each location at each possible time is exactly what I'm not motivated to do, especially if it doesn't make any difference.

It's rather annoying that the "dash" (sprint) function is disabled on some (small) maps. While I prefer always being able to "dash", even never being able to "dash" would certainly be better than a constantly changing walking rhythm.

The save menu makes a rather jumbled impression, the entries are way too close to each other, as if they were overlapping.

I started my playthrough with a difficulty setting of 200%, but as expected, that wasn't very enjoyable (maybe it gets better later when the player can utilize more party members and more/better skills). Consequently, I dialed it down to 50%, and the difference is noticeable.

That's enough whining for now. I really like the bestiary, by the way, especially this sort in which drops are only shown after having obtained them once, so I'm off to filling the bestiary now. I really hope, though, that all potential drops of one-time-only encounters are 100% guaranteed. Having to repeat one-time-only encounters to obtain their drops is frustrating enough by itself, but it's even worse if these drops are necessary for a "perfect" bestiary.

Developer (3 edits) (+1)

Hello Euphoniac!

First of all I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for purchasing and playing Rift Walker! I am very excited to have feedback and if you need to give me more feel free to post it on this website or you can contact me on Discord at ZCSully#9186!

The Day and Night cycle is purely cosmetic although the harvestable plants in the forests can be harvested 1 time per day cycle! The farming plants take about 2 minutes to grow in the first tier of plant and scale up by probably a minute or 2 between each tier of plants (seperated tiers by continents)
There is another way to get seeds as well which is more grindable and not time based, the enemies are "Wind Spriggan, Frost Tree Knight, Dune Shroom, Flaming Serpent, Glass Flower" Seperated by continent. The rate is 1/30 for the seed rucksack but I may actually add purchasable rucksacks through the dungeon shop with Win Tokens!
The rocks that you can mine starting at Copper should respawn every 60 seconds or so, these also scale up minutely throughout the game depending on the rock!

I should look into the dashing feature, I think I allowed it in most maps except some interiors and the starting caves just to make the start a little bit slower, perhaps I should put in a running shoes type of thing so it's enabled everywhere except the start!

For the save menu I will try to figure out how to make it look cleaner, currently I just use a Yanfly plugin for RPG Maker that made the menu for me but I think it is customizeable!

The difficulty is kind of confusing as the scaling formula is a bit weird but I dialed the Health down massively as a few updates prior everything was a giant health sponge, although some of the bosses can be quite short but most of them are alright in terms of fight length, some are very long still which I am still playing around with!

Thank you I just put that in the one of the latest updates! The Quest bosses are not farmable but they DO have 100% drops! :) The dungeon bosses are farmable and each unique is about a 1/25 drop! the minibosses I think are 2/50 for the unique and they also can drop Augmentations of their type (I.E. Wind Construct can drop Wind Augment)

The 1 thing with the bestiary is enemies will repeat because I scale some differently (i.e. dungeons) so there may be some repeats I was thinking I can just hide the ones that are encountered after the first version though.

Thanks for the insightful explanations. Especially not having to worry about the day/night cycle (i.e. time-exclusive stuff in general) will let me enjoy the game even more. It's great to know about your thoughtful design approach, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt from now on in case my "fear of missing out" (or any other gaming-related phobia or neurosis) is triggered again. :D


No problem Euphoniac! I too hate fear of missing out haha! It gets me everytime, I'm trying to think if there's anything major that you would miss out on but I really don't think there is anything, and like the grindable Dungeons and the extra places I add usually can be done whenever you want! I know for sure that there are some weird things like with the Beast Book that won't register like the extra drops, also the way I made dungeon bosses, I coded them into a loot table which has 25 potential rolls, rolling 1 a kill so if you did get a Unique it most likely will not register on the Beast Book BUT I made a collection log paper outside every dungeon that WILL keep track of your uniques! I was thinking of potentially turning it into a item in your inventory that you can open and view whenever though so you do not have to keep running around to view the logs.


For the Save Menu are you talking about the books on the left? What about the format on the right? I just wanted to show basically the farming level and the mining skill, because the rest of the variables aren't really a level based variable and it will only show about 3 it seems! I'm gonna look into the Books overlapping as that is quite annoying, thank you! 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Well luckily I found the setting that screwed up the files overlapping now it looks a lot nicer! Here look at this now! I'm gonna try to put the extra lands in a spot where I can upload the new update so that you can enjoy the better menu and the small QoLs i've been adding 

Yeah, that looks really good and familiar now, great work!

Quick update: I'm still having a lot of fun, especially now that the bestiary has been fixed, but progress is slow, since there is so much to do for completionists. I guess I won't finish my playthrough anytime soon, which is a good thing (I'm a guy who complains a lot about all these mediocre 5 hours long JRPGs that litter the internet). :)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Oh you won't have to worry about a short game at all! (I hate short games as well) I purposely have made this game pretty long, theres still much to do even after you defeat the 3 demon generals I hope this isn't a bad thing either haha. If you don't grind the repeatable dungeons and skip side quests I think it will still take a decent amount of time, but the last area I've been working on actually will be the last area I'm thinking! I wish I could make the leveling system go above 99 because I would like stuff to matter after that point but I am still coming up with a way to raise Attributes after you hit 99! :D

Haha, I was already about to suggest raising the (suspected) level cap of 99. :D Since I've already played RPG Maker MV JRPGs that feature a higher level cap than 99, it's obviously possible to implement such a higher level cap, but I don't know how much effort that would take you, and an old save file might not be compatible with a higher level cap at that point, especially when the level cap has already been reached.

I'm already 30 hours in and have just begun my raids on the Rifthaven Dungeons, so you'll probably be able to release all future updates before I finish my playthrough. ;)

Speaking of the Rifthaven Dungeons, I thought it was supposed to be a five floors dungeon, but it seems there's an infinite number of floors (unless I gave up too early). And thanks, by the way, for handing out the Seed Rucksacks for free there. :P

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

The seed sacks are actually supposed to be 5 Win Tokens but I made a small mistake lol. The dungeon is a 5 different rooms that randomly roll when you enter the dungeon or choose next floor on the ladder, and with the Win Tokens you can buy a Sky Watcher's Key for 15 of them and this allows you to enter the Boss on the Ladder at the end of any of the floors! The chests will respawn after each floor, and when you kill the boss the chests have a cooldown of 1 floor before they will have loot in them again.

Ah, so "five different floors/rooms" concerns the layout, not the number of floors that have to be traversed each time, which means it's intended that the boss floor can be entered at the end of any (number of) floor(s). Well, I will spend a lot of time in this dungeon (in order to achieve a perfect bestiary), so I appreciate it that I can at least challenge the boss quickly each time. Also, I'm not that hyped about the free Seed Rucksacks anymore now that I've realized that they only give out the three lowest tier seeds. :P


Yes exactly! I had it wayyy worse when I first planned out the Dungeons and the fights only gave 1 Win Token per any win!
Now the Win Tokens work like this as of a long time ago: 1 Win Token if there are 2 enemies, 2 Tokens for 3 enemies, and 3 Tokens for 4 enemies. The same formula works for all of the dungeons (There is 1 dungeon per element) and then the Omni dungeon which is a little bit of everything and then a new dungeon im working on for the final area I have no idea what the rewards will be though!
Also the dungeons after the Rifthaven one allow you to buy higher tier seed bags :)


What do you think about raising the level cap past 99? It might reset progress like you said, but I think I may have found a plugin that allows for me to change the max level cap to whatever level I want! The reason I'm bringing this up is because you mentioned it which is a very good point, also grinding the dungeons + the quest bosses will easily get you to 99 so I feel like the incentive just drops off at that point because numbers dont change.

I'm all for "the sky's the limit", but it would be really great to know beforehand how already existing save files would be affected (or not), because I won't start a completely new playthrough at this point. If you upload a new version that utilizes the plugin you mentioned, I'll gladly check my save file's compatibility (maybe you can even fix my save file if it can and must be fixed). While I've played hundreds of RPG Maker (MV) JRPGs, I find myself in uncharted waters when it comes to such significant changes mid-playthrough. On the other hand, I'm curious and would really like to level up past level 99, so yeah, go for it and let's see what will come of this.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yeah luckily I haven't had a update to the one database page in a long time that usually breaks saves and I dont plan to ever update that page again so I'm hoping future updates won't require restarts!

EDIT: I've tried the level cap thing and it just doesn't seem to work at all so I think I might just lower some xp on the quest bosses specifically or maybe the repeatable dungeon bosses I will figure it out I guess I just need to make the leveling longer.

Despite playing so many RPG Maker JRPGs, I'm not proficient in using RPG Maker software, but I read somewhere that "Yanfly Core Engine" should enable you to implement a higher level cap. While I'm glad that my playthrough won't be affected, I hope you'll find a satisfying solution when it comes to future games. Just throw in a few permanent stats-up items here and there in this game, which you're probably already planning to do, and I will gladly continue my party's ascension. :)


Yeah I actually came up with a idea just making like "Empty Attribute Tomes" which will be fairly rare (still trying to decide what will reward them)
which will permanently increase a chosen stat by 25! I hope it actually works!