Thanks for the insightful explanations. Especially not having to worry about the day/night cycle (i.e. time-exclusive stuff in general) will let me enjoy the game even more. It's great to know about your thoughtful design approach, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt from now on in case my "fear of missing out" (or any other gaming-related phobia or neurosis) is triggered again. :D
No problem Euphoniac! I too hate fear of missing out haha! It gets me everytime, I'm trying to think if there's anything major that you would miss out on but I really don't think there is anything, and like the grindable Dungeons and the extra places I add usually can be done whenever you want! I know for sure that there are some weird things like with the Beast Book that won't register like the extra drops, also the way I made dungeon bosses, I coded them into a loot table which has 25 potential rolls, rolling 1 a kill so if you did get a Unique it most likely will not register on the Beast Book BUT I made a collection log paper outside every dungeon that WILL keep track of your uniques! I was thinking of potentially turning it into a item in your inventory that you can open and view whenever though so you do not have to keep running around to view the logs.