One feature I just thought up that im unsure how you would create:
Using a UV texture unwrapping export tool to export the texturemap to a PNG, and having an import feature for said PNG for custom texture paints on bots, as the current tools tbh ive no idea how to use correctly ^^`
Totally! I had this in mind as I was creating the "Painter" tool in the workshop. I stopped work on the tool once it was (barely) functional, but this is something I would like to get back to.
Some people have been completely sidestepping the painting issue by designing with colored custom shapes. Check out Arcane's incredible work on GameTechMods:
Thank you for the offer! I don’t think we are quite ready for community components at the moment. We are planning to release a “component modding tool” along with the game that will allow users to create anything they want for the game using the 3D modeling workflow of their choice. It should free people up to make all sorts of crazy cool designs.
OH! that would definitely make the community super active i bet with 3D design and the like to make their custom components to create their own crusher bots, axes and a lot of the like :O you n the team are probably the most innovative game makers ive come to know :D im hyped for the next update and the beta testing~ <3 ^^ big support here~