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Good idea, but something about the controls seems funny i don't know if it sucks but i don't think there is any window for pickpocket.  The cars seem to be very frequent with the warning being a little too small to notice when an oncoming car is coming. The game is very challenging in testing my peripheral vision but i think this is because the player is zoomed way to close in to see any of the oncoming obstacles, I really like the idea tho of the player can only score while running 

Having the quit button on Right-Mouse is also frustrating as i keep closing the game as i'm tapping to collect the points but i die and the death is instant, maybe holding would of worked better?

The UI elements look fine for the game but somethings as said before such as the Warning Prompt should be larger imo as the player really should be paying more attention to the points rather than road.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your constructive criticism, that's hard to find these days! I ended up rushing this while I was at school, so that probably explains some problems. I understand it when you say that the car comes frequently, I usually end up dodging one and then move, not knowing that there's another one coming. Thank you for taking the  time to comment on my game so I can make it better :)