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Hey, thanks for your interest! I'll go through your questions in order:

1. As this is a kinetic novel (meaning the story does not branch), there's no tracking of saves between chapters. Each chapter after chapter 1 starts with an optional recap of everything that happened in previous chapters.

2. The Steam version is all 5 chapters at once, and we do intend to bring that version to Itch in the future! Right now we're keeping the individual chapters up so that someone who might have bought, say, chapters 1 through 3 can get 4 & 5 without needing to purchase the full-price collection.

3. We're very fond of the characters in this one too, and haven't ruled out revisiting them in future small one-off instances. We're also intending to feature a certain character from this story as the main character in our next story, which will have a much different genre and tone (not saying who yet!)

4. Really glad you enjoyed the AA/SB demo! We think about it often and do want to return to that world someday, but not until we're confident that we can do it justice.


I just started chapter 1 and it "clicked" with me. I cannot say more about it, because I have not finished it yet. However - I have one question.

You intend to bring all 5 chapters in one to itch. I have already bought all 5 chapters (yep - I gone for it blindly, because I loved what I seen so far, so why not?). Can people like me, who bought all five chapters, get that all-in-one version too?

I assume there are no differences, and it's more handy to have everything in one VN in stead of having 5 seperate VN's.

It's not a big one, but it would just be handy...

Anyway - I really loved what I read so far. I look forward to all possible future publications for sure...


Hi, thanks for your kind words! There isn't really any mechanism for doing what you describe over Itch (that is, seeing which people bought all 5 chapters individually and sending them a key for the full 5-chapter version when we release it) but if you send me a direct message on Twitter I can give you a key for the 5-chapter version on Steam (the only caveat there being that you'd have to replay chapter 1, since I don't believe your save file would be compatible)

Thanks a lot, but that's not really needed. On top of that - I do not have a Twitter account, so that won't work.

I was just wondering, because it would be a bit more convenient. As long as the content is the same I don't mind reading this VN in "stages".  I can always buy this VN on Steam again if I really need that. I don't mind giving some extra "credits" that way for the hard work that has been done. ;-).

Thats great to hear, thanks