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Overall, this plateformer seems to have solid and entertaining gameplay. The concept is interesting and the dialogues are well-crafted. However, there is an issue that might impact the gaming experience for some players: the overly zoomed-in screen in full-screen mode, wich makes it difficult to view the inventory at the top of the screen.  Additionally, it's worth noting that the system in place to exhaust crosses if they are thrown randomly is a deliberate mechanic and is an interesting feature. However, in certain situations, such as facing the final boss, it can be a bit challenging for players who run out of crosses. A potential solution for this issue could be the addition of a slow recharge system for crosses over time.

Ultimately, this game has a lot of potential and is a fun gaming experience!


Thanks for the feedback) The screen looks like this, because I forgot to adjust the scaling parameter of the interface, I remembered about it only the next day