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And finally managed to find the time to get a look at the video as well. Thank you for taking the time to play it and record your thoughts there.

Yeah some of the issues with the backgrounds are just down to them being placeholders at this stage. Just whatever royalty-free picture roughly fit the vibe most closely. So I didn't bother with stuff like identifiable flags, humans in the scene, etc just now.

And thank you for catching some mistakes I overlooked, like the moment with Wolf and his initial description. He was older initially where it made more sense, changed his age, and forgot to adjust the description accordingly.

As for the historical accuracy, it's actually something I've thought about for a while just how accurate I want to go with it, but in the end decided to play it fast and loose. Truth be told, while I enjoy the time period, I am not well-versed enough in it to pull it off accurately. Now I could go and do the research for it, and I'd actually like to, as it's something I enjoy doing, but it just would be another time-intensive task on what is already a pretty large project. So it's one of those things where it, unfortunately, got cut due to a simple time investment reason. I'll still try to bring in elements here and there that hopefully will tick some boxes for those that enjoy some accuracy, but full accuracy, for better or worse, was something I had to decide against.

I do like just how much you've ridden around on the fact that life on these things was boring, because that point is something I do want to play around with. I'm not sure how strong of an element it will be, another one of those points that depends on how well I'll manage to write it and how interesting I can make the boredom, or if I need the crutch of interesting events to happen. I don't think I'm good enough of a writer to make it work entirely so most likely it'll fall somewhere in the middle.

All in all. Coming away with the opinion that it was a decent time with rough edges? I'll certainly take that.

Again thank you very much for taking the time to play it. I appreciate it!