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No, I'm sorry.  Can you post the runlog.txt file you should find in the /Local folder in the RWIA directory?

This will help me get an idea of the problem.

Thank you.

(1 edit)

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've played toe game on my laptop which runs windows. So I tried running it on my desktop (linux) again and here's what that text file said.

 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.538 Starting Engine::Init()
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.785 Starting Display::Init()
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.785 Attempting to set highest possible resolution.
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Enumerating Resolutions.
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Found resolution: 1440x900
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Found resolution: 1280x1024
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Found resolution: 1280x960
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Found resolution: 1152x720
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Found resolution: 1024x768
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Found resolution: 800x600
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Found resolution: 640x480
 Mon Apr 29 17:41:35 2019.814 Starting Display::SetVideoMode(), setting 1280x720

That's all that was in it, no idea if it's helpful at all. If not I can still run it on my laptop at least.

EDIT: I just changed the engine.cfg file to make the game run in a window and it works that way. I have a dual monitor setup on my linux box so I wonder if that's causing the issue?

It's possible it enumerated the wrong display.  The game will always try to run on the "primary" display.  If you want to run fullscreen, it might be better to keep the game in windowed mode, but choose a fullscreen resolution, this will give you a "borderless window" fullscreen resolution which other users have said solved their problems.

Let me know if you continue to have difficulties.  We want you to be able to play the game the way you want to.

(1 edit)

Weirdly when I open the settings tab in game it crashes out with the same exit code error. Here's the runlog.txt file contents again if that helps.

 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.161 Starting Engine::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.318 Starting Display::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.318 Starting Display::SetVideoMode(), setting 1280x720
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.395 Initializing GLEW.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Updating camera.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Leaving Display::InitializeVideoMode()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Done With Display::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Starting Input::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Done With Input::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Starting StateMachine::Init
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Leaving StateMachine::Init
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Done with Engine::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Created state NO NAME with ID 17
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 StateMachine: Transitioning to state NO NAME, ID 17
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Starting main game loop.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.450 Loading texture Images/gamepad_buttons.png on the fly!
[hamumu chopped out tons of success lines to trim it down]
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.874 Created state StatsState with ID 11
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Enumerating Resolutions.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1440x900
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1280x1024
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1280x960
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1152x720
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1024x768
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 800x600
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 640x480
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Created state OptionsState with ID 2
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Created state ShopState with ID 4
[hamumu chopped out tons of success lines to trim it down]

 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.905 Loading profile.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.905 StateMachine: Transitioning to state MainState, ID 0
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.324 StateMachine: Transitioning to state OptionsState, ID 2
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.341 Loading sound Sounds/RWP/storybf.ogg on the fly!
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.341 Loading sound Sounds/RWP/storybf.ogg
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.363 Load successful.

What is the native resolution of your monitor, and what is the refresh rate?  I'm not certain why it's having trouble finding a good resolution for you.

I believe its 1440 by 900, and i think 60hz refresh rate