I'm enjoying the update, but I've lost the ability to pick up ANYTHING (Vive user), using grip, trigger or button. Can't use levers on the walls, tankbot or energy machine. Hand closes, but can't hold on to anything.
Bugs I've encountered... Elevator maze missing platform and UP/DOWN elevator that never came to get me. I've notice a few portals that overlapped but were passable... usually coming out of a tight turn or small platform of tower. Dead end or 2 that I'm sure shouldn't have been. Also in one instance the signal/direction button was usable, but forearm display never changed.
Suggestions... moving the mode button on the arm to opposite end of the display... I keep bumping it with the butt of the gun and changing the mode. The new hand to head menu system makes restart easier, but rather than exit to menu to restart maybe add a "quick restart" button to that menu too until development stage is over for those I'm stuck moments.
On the plus side... loved the color splashes, door and wall shapes and new shootouts that seem to often occur in "well" areas. Fun shooting the new bee drones flying in the distance avoiding my shots.