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You went IN on the theme for this! Nice inclusion of it everywhere you look. I unfortunately couldn't keep playing after the extremely loud gunshot that plays when you defeat the first boss. I hope to see that lowered at least, maybe even changed to a different sound as well, in a future update. Captivating art and environments, definitely a unique experience with a lot of love poured into it, so I'd like to play more once an update is released!


Thanks a lot for your nice review! Yes that's true we went crazy and the explosion sound. We would change that and for sure. We will also rework the whole sound design of the game.


Hello ther thanks a lot, its very nice, we pourred all we had to give in this game hhaaah :D Well yeh the bang is a bit awfully loud :p But after a load of play testing i was deaf so i didn't realized *sorry*, if you have time you can continue the game :D There is a save system :p 

Well we are going to finish this game with a dozen of bosses upgrades, lore, voice acting :D 

I cannot test yours today but i'm hyped, 'cause you posted so many part of your progress, and i looks stunnning :D