I am glad you enjoy the game!
The dev mode is really just intended for me to edit prefabs and locations. It does really make sense in the game unless you have access to the code as I do. For example the prefab section is editable and then I have to manually insert them into the game. You can use the dev mode in your base mode to ‘cheat’ though. Most of those dev mode bugs are stuff I know about and avoid or deal with while building them game. The dev mode isn’t really a part of the game. I left it in so people can play with it. You also can’t directly edit the starter files because this is the loaded when the player first encounters the room.
The other bugs:
- the car loading into buildings is something I need to fix. I haven’t run into it yet so I am glad you told me. I’ll put that one in my to fix list.
- I thought the stone gate was fixed. It might still be broken in dev mode. I’ll check it out.
- The interacting objects are something I am aware of. I have an idea to fix them but it could take awhile.
- the enemy AI is very glitchy and dumb. I’ll be fixing this in a future update. Also adding more enemies.
Thanks for finding all these bugs! I sometimes update the builds without changing the number so you might want to download the latest too see if that fixed any issues you had.