Yeah luckily I haven't had a update to the one database page in a long time that usually breaks saves and I dont plan to ever update that page again so I'm hoping future updates won't require restarts!
EDIT: I've tried the level cap thing and it just doesn't seem to work at all so I think I might just lower some xp on the quest bosses specifically or maybe the repeatable dungeon bosses I will figure it out I guess I just need to make the leveling longer.
Despite playing so many RPG Maker JRPGs, I'm not proficient in using RPG Maker software, but I read somewhere that "Yanfly Core Engine" should enable you to implement a higher level cap. While I'm glad that my playthrough won't be affected, I hope you'll find a satisfying solution when it comes to future games. Just throw in a few permanent stats-up items here and there in this game, which you're probably already planning to do, and I will gladly continue my party's ascension. :)