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So I played this game and here are a few thoughts, in no order

-Holy darkness! I get it is horror but more light than hand in front of face please. Even Resident Evil lets you see more than that.  And do not overlook ambient light, the eyes do adjust and see really well in darkness and pick up any light around it well, a fact way too many horror games forget about.

-In fact it is so dark I didn't see the grate. I only found it by smashing keys. A little more light please.  I get you may be going for realistic, but realism should not block fun. A few too many of your rooms are way too dark that its just not fun to explore them. I'd either make your light area bigger or make all maps in the game brighter.

-Nitpick: You say the lamp is the only source of light, then the character has a light aura. I'd make the lamp light radius light up the room and remove the light around the character. That should be doable in VS lighting script if that is what you are using.

-3rd degree burns? You'd be dead, not just with lower HP, especially with that all over your arm. I think you mean 2nd degree burns.

-Found out how to save. Would be a good idea to tell the player how to save somehow though, maybe a tutorial when in the room when you find a tape recorder?

Hopefully these suggestions help. I ultimately had to give up as it was just too dark for me to see what to do in the game. I do think there is potential though with it, the darkness though was too strong and took away the enjoyment for me in the end. Fix that up and I think  you have a game that you could sell even.