Spend a couple hours on this game just now. Writing is pretty much on par with what I expected coming into this and it kept me captivated even though I usually strongly prefer visuals.
One glaring issue I noticed was that I wish I didn't have to go through all of the countless random events popping up while I'm trying to just get from point A to B (especially apparent on Taun).
To fix that problem while still letting the player access random events I'd recommend including a link to the applicable random encounter somewhere on the navigation screen where it would be visible but not much of a bother, so if you want to read an event you haven't seen before (would be cool to also have an indication for new events)/want to see again you can click it or go about your day otherwise.
Aside from that I think it would be a good idea to experiment a little with requirements for the "bad ends". Since the main gameplay loop is composed of looking out for them it would be interesting to throw some extra challenge and make the player think and search for them instead of just checking the travel options they haven't tried out yet. Could just be that the game's in an early state as well and you have that planned down the line too, in which case you're in the right track imo.
Overall superb product, this might not be my thing exactly (what with the extreme lack of agency) but I wish you luck in further development nonetheless and hope my feedback was applicable in some way.
Thank you for taking the time to write out such detailed feedback. It helps a ton!
There are definitely player-flow issues in the current game. My intention is to eventually implement pseudo-RNG where scenes you haven't seen yet are the ones that appear, and once you exhaust all scenes it returns to a reduced-chance RNG. There'll also be more bad endings where a bit of exploration is required, permutations of existing endings, ending trackers, etc, but those'll come after the base content is implemented.
Thanks again :)