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Interesting game, I like music and general look. Few things would need to be polished. For instance the enemy markers could be flying around and be always visible to screen, as it frustrating when you miss that there we some markers placed in area out of your screen. The bell should just 'ding' when clicked, I don't see a need to take bell into hand and click again to release the wave. Also I need to wait every time after placing a seeds for plants to grow ie.: I cant release the wave, and bell does not make them grow immediately, so game forces me to sit and wait till they pop up, then click a bell and again sit a wait till enemies walk over all the greenfield to start the fight. Enemies are cool, would be good if they have health bars and some attack animation. Maybe waves could go one after another w/o the unncessayy delays, the game would be more fun then. The tree is adorable :)

Thanks for the feedback!