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(1 edit) (+4)(-11)

Again I will ask will this game have NTR planned (corruption route included) because I want to avoid NTR now people will say I'm weak well screw you guy's I have PTSD of it you can like NTR for all I care but for me I will avoid it because it might give me a seizure and don't say you can just avoid corruption route no I want to experience the whole game if this game really has NTR then I'm quitting even though it really is a beautiful game 


you are weak.

just stop having post traumatic stress disorder, see a psychologist tell him your cripling ptsd is stopping you from playing a porn game and he will fuck your wife.

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

stop spamming.


If playing this game could cause you a seizure, then I would advise avoiding playing this game at all cause. You have some serious issues going on and changing the game to accommodate you isn't going to help. 

You should also evaluate some of your life's priorities. Some silly adult games like this are for personal pleasure and entertainment. Just because you have some unresolved issue going on that you refused to seek professional help, doesn't that mean the rest of the fans have to suffer along with you


I hope they decide to put NTR in the game just to spite your annoying ass.


fuck ntr and all the wimps who enjoy wanting to see other guys naked and fuk

(1 edit) (+7)(-5)

okay read all your comments when did I say I would like it if the game didn't have NTR I asked if this game will have NTR planned so I can avoid it I didn't even ask the game dev to change the direction of the game I only asked a question I'm a fan of this game myself I even said you all can like NTR for all I care and you guy's be shitting on me just because I don't like NTR you like seeing your wife being fucked by another guy then go do you but for me I don't like that because this is my own preference  people this days really get offended easily just calm down all of you 


Bruh I swear if a person replies to this and starts a fight you guy's really need to chill I have my preference you have your preference we end that there respect other people's preferences don't just roast them just because you see it as a form of being weak you guy's be commenting without thinking about the person's feelings just because you feel safe knowing no one knows your real identity let's end this here okay no need to start a fight


Just for that... I'll add some NTR just for you

(1 edit) (-7)

never really thought the creator would reply but go ahead if you want to NTR doesn't actually bother me that much the thing that bothers me is when some girl says she loves that person very much but still fucks the other guy and I've been in the internet long enough to know there is a genre that is worse than NTR and would be borderline illegal if someone tries to use it so I don't really know why I'm even complaining about NTR when I've seen worse things 

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Buddy, you should not get too involved in the game, because there are too many uncontrollable elements,this is for your own good


There was no NTR at all and since you decided to be so whiny about it, it's now getting added

Thanks bro💯


damn Ik that dude was cringe about it and I don’t really care personally but this is kind of an ass holish response💀


ig the creator is a fire vs fire kind of person. but, hey, they might have had it coming with the push they've been making here. lol  incessant is an understatement.


RNG enjoys pouring fuel onto a fire when he sees one. But we won’t break the promise of “no netorare content in the game”. So this comment was actually sarcastic :)


yea I got that vibe from reading other comments I just imagined the No Ntr dude reading the creators comment and having a heart attack 😭😭 Dude was literally begging 


Sounds like me and RNG would be best friends

I had the feeling it was sarcasm, but I couldn't really tell. Thanks for confirming man ily

Fucking based