I am an aspiring indie developer, and I am currently working on my first game. However, I want to test around the store/monetising system before releasing it.
This jam was the perfect opportunity for me get this started, and force myself with a solid deadline. Even though the concept is not novel, I am quite happy with the progress I was able to made considering that I didn't have much time last week to work on it, and now I am fired up to continue!!!
So, now the goal is to polish and add content to the game for futur release!
Here are the things I am working on for this entry:
- Adding settings screen
- Adding a colorblind setting
- Add some animations for the robot (moving eyes, idle animations...)
- Rework the colors, as some are too similar (red and orange... bad choice)
- Rethink the robot color switching mechanics to make it more interesting (maybe being able to use it two or three times in a level)
- Add levels
- Put game on stores!
Here is the game for those interested :)