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I was kind of disappointed by this, I had high hopes for the concept, but it turned out to be less of a fun action game and more of a frustrating puzzle. Really cool thing to have made in this timeframe, just not my thing.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Puzzles aren't for everyone I guess.

Sorry man, really not trying to just be negative about your game. It is really cool, I just saw this, and remembering the concept brought up on one of your previous streams, I had a somewhat different expectation of what the game would be like and ultimately thought the concept had a lot of unrealized potential that could be elaborated on. 

Overall the game looks really good and the control was mostly smooth, other than the fact that it seemed damn hard to get close enough to the eye guys to get a swing in. It seemed like some of the puzzles were also pretty difficult to recover from if you got a bad start, so maybe a reset option would have been helpful.

It's fine. I'm curious as to what you thought the unrealized potential was. How did you envision it working?

Well, I was hoping the mechanic would be used for more strategic combat than for straight puzzles. For example, the first thing I tried to do was use a ghost as a distraction to sneak up on an enemy. 

My initial hope was that the enemies would either repeat their previous fire pattern each round or else be willing to target a nearby ghost, but they seem to always target the living player and their shots only hit the ghosts incidentally. 

This meant that since my reflexes are old and I had trouble getting close, the best strategy I could come up with for avoiding shots and dealing with enemies was simply to fill the area with ghosts to have the highest chance of them intercepting enemy fire.