I highly doubt whatever change Mofu is planning on is as bad as you're making it out to be.
Edit: Based on the "illegal" "immoral" and "mother with a little kid" comments, I'm assuming Mofu wants to add loli content to the game.
Loli is banned in the UK, and parts of Europe and America, but NOT Japan.
Hola Lipstor, disculpa mi intromisión estuve leyendo si había alguna novedad con el desarrollo del juego que me llamó la atención esto. Por lo que lei deberían de aclarar esto en privado si es que tiene alguna red social para conversar y evitar que aumente más ese mal entendido, sea cual sea el problema a veces pienso que al tener abierta esa sección de comentarios Mofu hace caso las sugerencias que piden la gente que esto implicaría alargar más el proyecto y provocar conflictos en su desarrollo.
Espero que esto no se extienda y eviten un gran problema que termine decepcionando a los fans.
Les deseo lo mejor y aclaren esto con calma.
I was making an assumption based on the wording, and what I assume to be the most controversial aspect related to it. Loli's the main thing that people rant about, the only other thing I could maybe see having issues is incest, but if nobody's going to say anything then we're left to make assumptions about what it could be.
Regardless, you shouldn't have brought the discussion to the public. It makes you seem like an asshole.
Lip, I understand what you are saying. It's a serious problem that I'm adding the requests of people who think nothing of my game being broken and not adding the requests of those who truly support me into the game. This may cause the game to be broken and of low quality. I respect your opinion and will work hard to improve the game. My deepest apologies for any discomfort I may have caused you😞