First off, loved the humor and visual gags sprinkled throughout the game (Devil May Grill, Family Guy Dead Pose, Game Over Screen and more!)
The art direction is great! (Player and Boss Designs, especially the Pharaoh boss ) And the comic book-style story with different angles + zooms was a nice touch! And the post-boss art scenes with the player being silly put a smile on my face.
I like that each boss has a different style/ approach to fighting them (Some have multiple stages, some spawn enemies, etc.) Also, the unlocked equipment mechanic, encouraging multiple playthroughs is a great idea! Speaking of mechanics, I liked that each piece of equipment had RPG Mechanics that would change the Player's stats.
Smart use of the theme for the levels (Desert = Lack of Materials, Scrapyard = Unwanted Materials, Forest = Naturally Made Materials)
If you plan on developing this further, a menu to see all the equipment and stats of the equipment would be great!
Also, a bug I noticed was with the Treant boss' "spike root attack" keeps triggering, even after the boss is defeated.
Great job on this game and good luck with the game jam! :D