Q.1 - I felt pretty engaged the whole time, feedback was great on the hits and everything felt pretty clean. I do think having another objective would be pretty cool though. Maybe something like some collectibles hidden under some of those assets that will appear and dissapear if you get close enough, or maybe under some rubbel that can be be broken.
Q.2 - I thought the Music was a good fit, and the sound effects were good at first, but got a little repetetive after the first boss room area. Adding like one or two would be great.
Q.3 - Combat felt pretty good. I personally would like it more if the goblins had less health, but spawned more of them, so it is constant and fast action. An example would be like in Super Smash Bros, when you would do those smaller fun games where there are like 100x Captain Falcons with 2 stamina or something, and you would try and survive the onslaught of little dudes. Of course there wouldn't need to be that many, or them being super weak, but something like that sounds fun.
Q.4 - In terms of what needs to be added, I can really only say maybe some more assets/obstacles to smash and break. It takes a lot to add a whole new character type and behavior, so if you are up to it or have enough time, that would be cool too.
Q.5 - For the difficulty, I don't think it was all that hard, because the goblins constantly got stun locked, and I only took a heart of damage cause I was goofing around. For me, I think adding a feature to the goblin behavior, where they will only get knocked back after 2 or 3 hits, and decreasing the amount of time it takes for the goblins to attack would make it a lot more engaging since you can't super combo them into dust.
Q.6 - I love the 3D and 2D clash, and think it was a good choice to go with. Like I had mentioned in the 4th point, maybe a larger variety of assets to traverse through would be cool to see. Also, I like the design choice you had gone for.
Q.7 - My computer is pretty beefy, and I had no problems with graphics or running it. Hard to give feedback for that one 😂
Q.8 - Not much to say that I already haven't, but good work!