hey, thank you for testing and for the feedback!
indeed, I agree it didn't fit the theme so well. I can explain how I came to that: the story idea behind this game is that you're an egg trying to reach a nest in safety, where it can be born, so it gets back to an egg state and have a new challenge and so on. Then, when you'd reach the last level, the game would be back to first level with somem new trap procedurally generated.
At the end, due to time limits, I couldn't express the story well, and the "back to first level" thing is in place, but no procedurally generated traps :D that's why it seems no fit with the theme :D
My plan is to continue on the game after the voting is ended, so that I can develop those ideas. An example: for the story part, I want to introduce a grandpa or an adult rooster telling the egg things like "go boy, you can manage it, I've been at the same path in the past" and so on. Kinda nonsense, but that's the idea :D