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When choosing a working folder for a project, the editor automatically finds all the graphic files that are in it (png and jap are supported).

If you make changes to a folder, then the editor may not recognize this, in which case you need to update the contents of the working folder here:


Thank you.

(2 edits)

I do have same issues (note: I have different folders containing my assets on it PNG, mp3,JPG) and directory file to the selected assets seems fine but I can’t contain every file on html (resulting to not displaying anything but the original UI and I have the customized one) but on the preview, it works. I’m currently working the largest project I’ve been working on >100 mb. Also I’m Xiaomi user, Android 10. Sorry to spam you but I’m really want to figure it out

Hello! The screenshots show that you are using the android version.
If you use HTML export, only an HTML file with links to resources will be created. resources will not be added to html.

If you need html with resources, then try exporting to base64 (but 300 MB is big size)

Android 10 or higher, you will not be able to run html file in the browser on Android due to file access restrictions, try running it from a PC

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Thank you for your response! But I have tried to export in to base64 and resulting to this:

Yeah I think the file is too big but otherwise I could extract zip instead.