So you tell me that Eldritch Beings like to be told stories about sword and magic fantasy? Well, I can't agree more
You had such a good and unique idea for a submission, really. I had like 5/6 ideas, some stupid, other even crazier and abstract but yours idea is brilliant. I enjoyed to make stories and see what will Hero do. Gameplay isn't revolutionary and breathtaking but I can see every story's gimmick (mostly) works and are bug free.
But I have found some issues. Some voice lines aren't connected to voice mixer and especially part where hero tries to convince Jester is bugged. I couldn't beat it because MC bugged into the blocked path and didn't want to move anymore.
I didn't like how monotonous your voice is. I know we didn't have a lot of time but next time try to be more dynamic. Go to your basement, attic or go outside and be loud. Include emotions in lines like you want to sell something to player. I hope this will help!