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A member registered Aug 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Servant of Nekromanter

It's the first time I have seen someone made a Tower Defence game as a jam submission because I thought it's a nut too hard to crack but you made one and it works pretty good but among the development you left some mistakes. I grewup with them and I think you could add or change some things to make your game better

Wave pause mechanic is broken, I think it should work by freezing location of various ways of opening a door and stop your door from attacking but simply by changing the speed of the game I managed to unfreeze the game and proceed with waves whenever I want without worrying about timer. Valve, please fix!

I also think towers need some more love and more changes. While picking towers there should be information about their properies like damage and range because it helps new players make better decisions and you don't have to guess how each tower works while in a pinch. Some balancing work is also needed

I liked the gameplay but I think you chose something too big and you couldn't finish everything you planned on time. To be honest this game is barebones, you have basics done and ready but it's not enough to call this a finished game. You have found a gem but you left it dirty and unrefined. Nontheless, what you created in given time is truly fascinating and I believe your next game will bee even beter!

If you press escape key in options menu you are stuck in place but time resumes and enemies can hit you

Truly amazing game, your game uses its simplicity to the next level and nothing is not left behind. A bit short unfirtunately but puzzle ideas are amazing and very unique. I have spend maybe more time that I should to solve them but I must say you had amazing ideas.

I made a puzzle game too and I can say without a shadow of doubt both of our games are unorthodox puzzle games but it's hard to compare them both at the same time. You focused on other parts than me and they look completely diffrent. But doing so I realised your puzzles are well designed unlike mine. I didn't have to think hard what developer had in mind but I don't know, it's hard to compare your project with someone else's. 

What can I say more, amazing job and keep it up. You made something beautiful in very short time!


The way how to get multiple upgrades is to throw stone at specific angle. It hits one door and bounces to the next one

I love your game, amazing idea and thanks to you I'll return to old beloved game, more on that later in the review. Well, nothing is perfect, even your amazing game, it has some bugs and you made few mistakes during development. Nothing major luckily.

Firstly, stones. The way they work seems very off and causes some unintentional behaviour to happen. Player character throws stone too low and to hit the enemy face Player have to look straight into the sky... or use them as landmines. You can easly beat the whole horde of enemies using three stones simply just by throwing them at the ground. I liked when rocks hit two or more enemies mid-air, it felt satisfying but I believe the landmines killed this feeling after I found it.

Leveling up also is broken. Because how throwing rocks work you can easly get multiple upgrades at the same time. You should destroy the rock if it hit the door. And picking the door to shoot feels wrong, it's just pure rng. Were I you, I would add some markers what each door has behind them. Like offensive, defensive and support door, each one of them have their own pool but Player knows what each door does and this simple changes helps take better decisions. Also pause menu and options menu is pure jank. It's very easy to open everything by mistake and kill the whole run.

Nontheless I enjoyed a lot your game! It remind be of good old Call of Duty Zombies. Training zombies and getting perk-a-colas is amazing idea to make a game around it and I think you did a really good job. If you put some more work into this project, add more enemies and add more permanent and temporary upgrades you will make amazing game and very engaging at the same time!

Good work and thanks for making this gem! Keep it up!

I will check yours later!

Here's my puzzle game, where you have to think outside the bounding box

Hello! I will check your project later! Here's mine 

Unconventional puzzle game! You will see yourself why this strange name haha

Something about this game feels off, I don't know what exacly but after you read this you will know. I love the atmosphere, it feels like I was one of characters trapped in the Cube (very good movie btw) but I know who I am and instead of an id card I took with me a whole call of duty arsenal that I couldn't reload. Solving absurd puzzles ranging from jumping on platforms over acid to killing a demon who has more polygons than player character and  the room where just by touching crystal clear water player may die and the only hope to survive this is the concrete block. 

I don't know why but this game feels unhonest. The assets that you made and picked don't match with each other and with some game breaking bugs your game feels off. If I were you I would focus more on consistency of assets and models used and try to annoy my friends and family members to the point of playtesting my game. This game feels like it was not playtested or some major mistakes weren't spotted while designing project. Almost every room need some improvements like the forsaken acid room and water room. Maybe platforms that turned out to be fake slightly becomes transparent after the restart or instead of acid and hearing for 100th time the death screem player is teleported back to the start and loses some of their health. 

I believe your game lacks consisten design and some polish. After changing of some models and fixing the bugs and design mistakes this game will be amazing. But for now I can't say this. But nontheless congratulations on finishing in time and showing your hard work with the world. I believe in honest feedback I I wish I helped understand some things which went wrong. Maybe try to do the same thing with my game? I am curious what you thing about my game too! 

This game needs some polish, more improvements and to remove some jank. While playing your game I have found three things which I want to tell you about:

  • Doors are pure jank. Multiple inputs cause them to rotate nonstop without minding the laws of physics and walls. Instead of moving 90 deg clockwise and then couter clockwise they rotate in one direction.
  • While playing the second level, the one with three paintings and and drawer or a pedestal, believe me or not but the paintings (just as doors) didn't mind the existance of poor walls and they nocliped out ouf bounds. Luckily I had the right one among the other two. You have to check if every collision object interact with each other properly. Fighting with objects' hitboxes wasn't funny and enjoyable
  • After watching the final cutscene I could still walk and I started the sequence again. I think you forgot to lock the player character positon.

Nontheless it's small game with great atmosphere. I enjoyed the part where to progress you need to visit other places to find the paintings. And of course congrats on finishing in time, Good Job!

Man, you had great idea but you made me blind for real. Amazing premise, fantastic ideas but unfortunately you can't see anything. Playing in a basement or a dark place is required to see anything. Luckily I have played this uncut gem in the middle of the night so I could enjoy it to the fullest. 

Excluding the only problem you can see (hehe) everything works fine and I enjoyed a lot the gameplay loop. Checking what lies behind each door, slowly finding answers to the cipher is amazing. Unfortunately lasers exist and unintuitive hitboxes can hit few times and are just a minor inconvience. Sadly you can't return to the once visited room and this game lost an amazing potential for the Cube reference, where more you explore more rooms appear and start to create a maze, and you are a prisoner of your own creation. Nontheless it's great, some changes to visibility and some more rooms and you have finished game!

I like short and simple games but I think your game is a little too simple. I like the idea you chose, choosing doors in an endless scroller is fun and engaging but I believe you could do more than this. 

This game is about two things: running to the right and sometimes jumping. It's too plain. There are some buffs like invincibility and moving faster but they are generic and there could be none and nothing would change. But if you add a little twist to every pick up and/or just a small score boost they will instantly become more important and more engaging to collect. 

The main gameplay loop needs some improvements too. After dashing through five or six doors player knows about everything and playing becomes quickly repetitive and boring. I suggest adding more obstacles, maybe platform which don't insta-kill the player or biome specific modifiers to make the loop better and interesting. 

I would also think about changing running to more stationary and each skill or just dashing will change player position. There could be also twist with the door where better door and thus with more dangerous biomes behind them could be time-locked and proper use of dashing and collecting pick ups is necessary to reach them. Platforms would be useful too to get to them and to avoid obstacles. In my opinion I would remove the double jump ability and instead I would add this as a power up. This small change would make this ability feel stronger and will perfectly fit with yours and my idea of the game loop. 

I enjoyed the game but it became quickly boring. There's still room for improvements and some suggestion I have written show that. But good job on making a team and finishing before the deadline! 

Back in high school they called me the trimp king, but this game's movement, it scares me. 

So after the necessary tf2 and RTGame references we can come back to the review. I liked the idea, each door hold it's own secret world and such but one thing which annoyed me to the point of no longer enjoying the game is movement. Especially level 4 moving platforms and ice physics. I failed countless times hitting something in the air and stopping completely, sliding off the platform, hitting corner of the platform and flying over it and so on and so on. I think your really nice game is ruined by how player character (pc) moves. Normally platforers allow to change pc momentum and have mechanics like coyote time to help with jumping from point A to B but your project doesn't have them and because of that it really suffers. Even games like the first Mirrow's Edge, which have a really slow acceleration and have more fluid movement, have this kind of stuff just to be more enjoyable and controllable. If you want to stay with this kind of movement in the future try to analyse how eariler mentoned Mirrow's Edge handles movement and why it is engaging. 

I am sorry but I can't think of anything more. One thing killed the fun for me. I believe the 2 day work time is to blame and I hope your next project will be better!


Could you please write the name of the archive file you have downloaded? If it's Door_in_my_old_home_pck.rar it shouldn't happen. Older rar file had this issue (due to some Godot saving trickery) but this one is fixed. I will be glad if you answer quickly so I can fix the issue.

If you still don't believe me check the code yourself, you can find project's repo page on the page

I am glad you liked the review!

I hope your next game will be 10 times better, I can't wait to see it!

Before I start the proper review I want to tell you about how I review things. I don't like to sugarcoat things and tend to be unbiased because I believe honest review and feedback is the most important thing that artist can receive. I can be harsh but remember that's for your good and I will give you some advice. ok? Let's begin!

Well, your game is very short and boring. There's that one clicker moment which I think is out of place and can be changed without anyone noticing. Audio is a bit too loud for my liking but that's my problem and to be honest you better handle audio than me.

So we know about your 2 main problems and down below I will describe how I would fix them:

Graphics. I won't talk about shadows and perspective, it's too hard and I believe you will master this two things with experience. But I will talk about details. Were I you, I would add more lines, more furniture and more colours. It's hard to spot where walls start and where is floor so a line here and there will make a big difference. You little prince is a prince after all and he needs to show his splendor so adding more furniture will be great idea and will help with emptiness. And lastly colours, remember the devil is in the details. While adding more stuff to fill the room I would use more colours to make the room more engaging.

Now let's check the clicker part. While writing last part I left the game running and nothing happened, monster went sleeping and didn't bother to find me. I would add small little detail, a meter (slider or just a number) showing howuch time's left until game over. Trying to make a part of yoyr game tende try to figure out what causes player to feel uncomfortable or nervous. This trick always works.

Here's my review. I hope you will read it, take a notebook and write down each problem I have written. But I must give credit where credit's due. For a 12 year old now proper gsme developer you did pretty good job. I have started my journey 2 years ago just before I started going to university and comparing me two years ago and you now there's nothing to compare. You beat past me in every way possible and I wish you will keep this hobbyand practice as much as possible. We love games and that's why we make ours. Congratulations and good luck on your new path!

I hope you can think outside the (bounding) box!

I am from land full of mead and farmers' strikes, my beloved Poland!

It's about unlocking the strange door in your parents house. You do this you have to think outside the (bounding) box!

Enjoy and solve the puzzles!

Firstly before anything, I LOVE THE MUSIC! It's amazing! You did really good job composing such bangers!

Having that out of the way I don't know what can I tell. Because you chose the simple design of characters, objects and levels you don't need to add more complex things like coyote time or animations. It's simple and nice. One thing I can tell for sure that I didn't like was how you made main menu and level selection. You can't move from level selection panel to the main menu but I think it's an easy fix. But level completion panel could have an option to move straight to the next level. 

Pretty solid submission I will tell you that. Quick, simple and entertaining. Keep it up!

And I have small request, can you check out my game too? I think you will enjoy it too!

I don't know much too but I think unreal has a method or whatever which updates not every second but every operation of physics engine. If you don't know what I mean look up FixedUpdate in Unity. If you worked with unity you should know about normal Update and FixedUpdate, one updates every frame and second with fixed interval. 

And optimalization, maybe turn off some graphic options or something. Like blur or antialiasing. Or create an options panel. Or my laptop is too weak to handle your game. heh

Short, cool, got 100 bucks and most importantly I have one less mouth to feed. That's the definition of happiness!

But seriously now. I enjoyed everything but 2 things and it's ending. After let's say you pay for the participation you could somehow tell the player that he now can move his mouse. You showed that after player chosoes the ABC or D opion they don't need to move their mouse but after the shot I didn't know what to do until I moved the mouse. The second thing is you need to press magic combo alt + f4 to close the game. Honestly, it's cheap and ruins immersion. There could be instead a door that player character walks through to end the game. That's my 2 problems with your game but notheless I enjoyed it a lot. But keep in mind it has some problems.

I wonder what you think about my idea.

It's hard to rate a protoype which I couldn't beat. You have to work on performance if you want more player to enjoy you project in the future. I believe it's impossible to precisely maneuver from star to star in less than 20 fps. 

You also need to change first level cuz to beat it I had to jump around and climb over the wall to get the second block. If I put the star on the pedestal just as the game wants the door moves slightly and it's impossible do go under it, especially without crouching. 

I am sorry I can not tell more but this is as far as I got. Good luck with this project, I see some potential if you work on performance and on level design

Here's the link

Its shirt puzzle game where you need to think outside the bouning window

I enjoyed it a lot, amazing idea, some bugs here and there and nothing else to add. Room +1 max HP does not work and once I got an impossible game where I couldn't win any fight because rng blessed me with - 3 ap. Excluding the last problem it's amazing game. I can't find anything I did not enjoy or anything. Fibonacci sequence is meta. 

I think a custom game would be amazing here, I see potential!

Neat game, interesting idea, really nice and colorful sprites and LOUD AS HELL SOUNDS! I was more scared opening the app than the ending. I remembered my childhood and me playing first FNaF. Please, for the sake of others ears implement a master volume slider or something like that. It's too late for my ears. But SFX and music fit with the rest of the game so at lest I will give you that

I have only 3 problems with your project: loudness, narrator voice and not being able advance story properly. You used AI instead of a human to read the lines and it's sounds realistic and very good... but lifeless. I love va showing emotions through their voice and I could not hear anything. Or I heard silence because I couldn't advance story. I was clicking every possible key but sometimes I had to wait for somthing without any reason and I believe this can be easly fixed.

I liked it but I have some off things. But I have to give credit where credit is due, you made amazing looking and sounding game. You could change the 2 x 2 puzzle with some crazy integral or something like that, for laughs.

Keep it up!

Firstly, as a fellow gamer and as someone who knows some things about making games, not much, I have to say there's potential but performance really struggles and makes some puzzles harder than they are. That's the main problem with Unreal in my opinion, making your games run good. Next time or if you want try to detect when player sees the game object and if they don't hide that object. This trick will especially really help on a 'bushy' level.

Levels weren't bad, I enjoyed solving them but I think you could add more detail to each level. Almost every level has some unused space which could be either blocked or used as a part of the puzzle. For example you could hide some hints or gameplay element behind some walls. 

I really disliked how opening doors works. You wanted to show that player unlocked the door but I believe forcing player to not move AND switching to another camera will look better. If you want to stay with your idea, you could rotate the player character and leave it. It may be just me and my impatience but changing the angle where I see and not adjusting movement to it made me fail the level.

But I see here some creative ideas like playing with gravity. The way it launches player character in the space is funny and I have spent like good 5 min just flying around. Best 5 minutes of this week for sure. 

To wrap things up. Cool premise, if you spent more time on small details and on performance your game surely would be one of the best games this jam. Next time making a game just before you do anything even create new project sit down, take a notebook and write down your ideas and what you want to do. Now you know that Unreal needs really beefy pc so design and make an options tab with quality presets. Ask your friends or even fellow game devs to test your game. Remember to plan and gather as much feedback as possible. Nontheless, good job on creating this game in time!

Thanks! The issue was embed pck export option if you're curious. Godot while exporting prepares two files, .exe and .pck files. The first one is your typical exe file but pck stores all data and assets. 

I am glad you enjoyed it!

Hey! Here's the link:

Await for my review too!

Please try the not embed pck version. To my knowledge this option causes some problems and will show the alert. Thanks for giving me info and now it should work properly

That's interesting, I haven't put that inside for sure. You can check the files on my GitHub repo but I will try to fix the problem.

You can find link to repo on game's page 

I hope you will like it!

Firstly congratulations to everyone who submitted in time! This surely was a challenge to make the best game you can in such a short amount of time.

Nonetheless the challenge is not over. Now we must help each other and rate our creations. But I ask for more, while checking out someone else's game write down things that you like, you don't and what would you add.

And now the fun part. Please try to write a review of that game during rating. If you don't want to just post the points you have written down earlier and we will be good. I want to know what everybody think what's great, what needs some changes and how would it look if someone did it. 

Here's my submission:


If you don't know where to start try my game. It will take 10-15 minutes to beat and I believe I cane out with a pretty good idea. 

I will rate and review EVERY GAME under this post but keep in mind that it won't be instant. I will be busy with some personal stuff but I promise everything will be reviewed before the deadline.

That's my idea. Play games, review them and do the same to everyone! Good luck!

And now the waiting game

Pro Bono

Firstly check what type of a file you have. RAR, ZIP and many others less used files are so called archive files. You access the files inside them you need to decompress them using software like WinRAR. 

Secondly find the .exe file or if one exist read the legendary README.txt file.

Good Luck!