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Man, this game was a freaking blast. Probably my favorite use of the theme so far; those side effects just really add a layer of chaos to this that is amazing to be a part of. (My personal favorite was 8~SPIN~8, followed closely by >>NITRO>>. The ?sdrawkcab one was my arch nemisis.)

Sometimes the controls felt fine and sometimes it seemed like something was off about them, but I can't totally figure what it was. Either way, the occasional wonkiness wasn't a terrible issue to me, and actually sort of added to the rest of the game's hectic and out of control vibe. Absolutely amazing work here overall.


Wow - thanks :D

Glad you had fun with the side-effects! I’m pretty naff at surviving ?sdrawkcab too- especially when the world is spinning!

Happy the controls didn’t mess you up too much. I think it might be the combination of phsyics-based movement and compass-based movement; maybe it would have been better if it had controlled more like a bike (left/right to steer).