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Not-Only But-Also

A member registered Jun 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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I used this confused little comment as motivation to finally take the time to fix the game.

I actually ended up doing a full remake. No new features, but everything should work much better now (fingers crossed).

I mostly just wanted to pop by though to thank you because your "umm..." was what made me realize that I really just needed to get this game working again.

So glad you enjoyed it! It will absolutely be expanded, and I'll make sure that you can pet, touch, cherish, and admire the fish. If you are interested in knowing all options, I did put together a full list for the current version of the game in the interest of helping people try stuff out for the jam.

I dig the artwork. The enemy designs especially are pleasantly goofy. And the combat feels surprisingly good, which I honestly wasn't expecting since you called the game "really unfinished." It's quite satisfying to land a fish throw, haha.

I could really use some kind of indicator for where my cursor is / where a thrown fish will go. I think that would take the combat to a whole other level.

Overall, fun, goofy idea and well executed. I love the idea of just slapping enemies with a fish, although some part of me wants the fish to be floppier when I smack people with it. This really is excellent work!

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Great. Something about the way this is set up feels like a joke; like the ending is the "punchline," even though it's just as absurd and nonsensical as the setup.

I love the character design (my personal favorite is the little dude that just says "It should of been me"); I love the simplicity; I love the humor. I have no negatives that wouldn't just be nitpicking or pointing out the obvious. Amazing little experience.

(Should a fish with legs increase or decrease the fishiness score? On one hand, it is literally, physically more fish. On the other hand, it is less of a fish, as fish don't typically have legs. I am conflicted.)

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Yeah, this game is seriously broken right now.

It's still up because it was my first finished game, and I fully intend to come fix it one day, but, it's sort of a big mess.

If you want, I can leave a comment here when I do get around to getting it working. Really sorry about that.

Yeah, I've been sort of keeping an eye on the leaderboard thing, so I can implement words that people tried to do but don't yet have custom responses... and fuck was added to the leaderboard shocking early.

Glad you had a good, squishy, fishy time. Thanks for taking the time to play!

Fun! I love the art, especially the otter. Something about some of the art gives me Insaniquarium vibes, which is awesome.

Gameplay is simple, but fun. I found that quite a bit of the challenge was in figuring hitboxes, which didn't always feel too great. For example, there were several times where I felt like I had collected an orange rock, but instead I just watched it pass me by (for the hundredth time, haha). Maybe part of this is just that I'm not that great at the game though.

Overall, it kept me coming back, which is a great sign that you're onto something with this! Good work!

Echo the Dolphin kicks ass, and Ecaroh the Dolphin is pretty freaking cool too. The game looks amazing, feels nice, and has a nice combination of cute and unsettling that feels very in the same vein as Echo the Dolphin. I really dig it.

The point system was a bit unclear to me, especially in regards to the golden minnows. And the game seemed pretty easy and started to feel monotonous after a point. I ended up letting myself die so I could go rate it once I saw that I could get on the leaderboard (which looked to me to be working?).

That said, the concept is top notch, and it never won't be fun to come flying up out of the water. Awesome little game.

You monster.

It's not just you, the leaderboard barely works at all, haha. It's already working much better in my current build, just waiting for the jam to end, so I can upload.

Glad you can see the idea nonetheless!

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Really cool and so fun! This is one of those that is a bit addicting... every time I lost I felt the need to start again when I should have been rating it already, haha.

Most people seem to have got the hang of it a bit easier than I did, so maybe this is more a me problem, but I had a hard time understanding the game right off the bat, and it took me a couple runs to understand what all was at play. I also just found the controls to be a bit uncomfortable, specifically with shift.

But I couldn't be grumpy with it. The game oozes happiness and good vibes, especially every time you hear that fabulous "WEE!" sound. Good work! Now if you don't mind, I might go do just one more playthrough...

One of my favorites I've played so far to be honest. I'm just a sucker for weirdness, and this checks all my weird boxes. The art is sort of goofy and sort of offputting and just creates a great uncomfortable vibe to the whole thing. Also, you say you ran out of creative names, but I feel like Fish Monstrocity Arena fits the vibe surprisingly well, haha.

Despite my love for this conceptually, it's definitely lacking some polish. Descriptions for what each component does would help a lot I think. The battles themselves felt a bit anticlimactic, in part because I had a hard time telling what was going on and what actually made a victory or a loss. There's some other things (giving the game some juice, tutorializing) that others have mentioned as well.

That said, I still loved it. I'm glad it sounds like you have plans to continue working on this after the jam because I would love to see where it ends up. Great work!

What can I say? I'm a crazy dude.

Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to search for it! You really didn't have to do that, but you've definitely saved me some messing around. I'll make sure to get that fixed for after the jam.

Thanks! I find your existence to be a very fun concept!

I'm disappointed in you that you killed the fish. But I'm glad you found it to be a good time waster.

Thanks for taking the time to play and comment!

Glad you had a good time with it! Your favorite was actually also one of my favorites to write; if you type it in a couple times, that one has some pretty fun variants. Not sure if you saw it in a comment down below, but there is a list of all possible actions if you just want to try any more out.

It looks like what you did there was <null> the fish.

Seriously though, it looks like somehow a variable didn't get assigned anything. The online "leaderboard" type thing is pretty buggy right now. I should have known better than to think I could get that working with minimal testing, haha. Do you by any chance remember what you put in that led to that <null> response?

Simple but fun! Has a very arcade-y vibe that works in its favor and shoots the replayability through the roof. And of course, the art is great.

I feel like the slow, weird movement is intentional (and supposed to fit the goofy player sprite), but I found it a bit too much for my taste. Maybe it's just because I'm so terrible at games though, haha.

Overall, a really complete feeling experience. And, at least in my experience, an online leaderboard can sometimes be a bit of a pain for a jam, so congrats on getting that in there! Great work!

A visual novel about a fish detective? Hell yeah. Neat little game with some good writing and great illustrations. You better believe I caught those murderers (maybe after not catching them once...).

I don't know that the frame narrative, where it's someone writing a story about a fish detective (I think?), really added much for me personally. But that's just me nitpicking.

All in all, this is great! Excellent work.

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Hope just a txt file in Google Drive is alright. Here are all of the possible actions in the current version of the game: 


I'll be sure to let you educate it post-jam. Hopefully you left a bit uneaten that you can still educate.

Thanks for taking the time to play! Glad you had a good time.

I love myself a strategy game that is equal parts simple and tricky. This also has a nice vibe, and I think the simple, blocky designs give an almost board game feel that I personally dig quite a bit.

 Would definitely benefit from a tutorial. I was super confused at first, even having read the instructions on the page. I found that sometimes I was clicking a space instead of clicking the fish that I wanted to move, which was a bit annoying and added to my confusion. As others have said though, once you get through the initial learning curve, it really is quite fun! The fish that switches places with the humans proved to be an especially interesting mechanic.

I could see this being fleshed out a bit into something really top notch. Great work!

Very fishy little quiz game. I actually think what you were going for comes across quite well for something that was made in one day and you describe as "very incomplete."

The game would really benefit from some sound, which could help to ramp up that creepy atmosphere that gets going in the end. Also, the UI and font is not the most aesthetically pleasing, haha.

Overall, it's fun and effective though. Happy to see someone else giving Godot a go (Gogot?). Does anything change if you get the early questions wrong or right? That would be fun too.

Love it. Very satisfying when you slap the ball over to the opponent's side and finally get to watch the them struggle a bit. I can totally see how it would be a blast multiplayer (if only I had any friends).

Remappable controls would be really nice, but is admittedly a big ask for a jam game. If you have plans to work on this more, both that and controller support I think would really make things pop.

Overall, however, I find the difficult controls and the silly physics very charming. Really gives the game a good goofy vibe. It's not always the case with game jam submissions, but with this one I could totally see a full game where you just flop and flip fish around in a pointless attempt at a legitimate volleyball game, haha.

Glad you enjoyed it! The Windows look was because I was trying to figure how to make a nice looking bunch of UI without spending forever designing stuff, and that seemed like it would fit the writing and be decently easy to achieve. Thanks for taking the time to play!

Shoot! Hug and kiss were totally on my to-do list, not sure how I didn't get to those. Also, it's a bug (that I thought I fixed) that even when you can't do something it still adds up how many people did it... oops.

Glad you liked the vibe! I'll put together a list somewhere and link it, so that I won't spoil it for folks that just want to play around. Quite a few of the actions also have multiple possible responses, sometimes just mad-lib style switching out words, and sometimes entirely different, so maybe I'll make some sort of master list that includes all of that information.

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Haha, the goal in a significant number of my games is to make people feel uncomfortable. So, I'm glad I could play a role in making you feel terrible.

I actually had the idea for this game a long time ago, but it was going to be called "Pet the Dog." I never actually did anything with that idea, and ended up using this jam to motivate me to actually make something with it. So just be happy you weren't killing, eating, or slapping a dog.

Getting good chuckles is my real goal.

I love it! It's an interesting idea; it's fun, and the writing and sound effects are absolutely to die for. Perfect combination of goofiness and unique gameplay.

I don't know that I have much in terms of feedback for this actually. Some of the sound effects could maybe have their volumes adjusted because some seemed loud where others were sort of quiet. But really I'm nitpicking. This is excellent!

Haha, happened several times in testing too. Thanks for playing!

Super cool and shockingly polished. 

I was terrible at it, even on easy, but I still had quite a bit of fun. Hard for me to say whether the difficulty needed more balancing, or if it was just me, haha.

Overall, amazing work. Doesn't even feel like a jam game to be honest.

Awesome! I love the title and the actual red button push in the start of the game.

I found it just a bit too easy, but maybe that's for the best since it is a jam game that people are gonna play and rate.

Honestly, not finding much to give feedback on here. The artstyle is cool; the vibe is perfect; the game is fun! Excellent work.

Simple, but fun! The combination of art and music feel a little dissonant, but I sort of liked the vibe it created anyway? Goofy goodness.

I agree with others that it's a bit easy as is, but to be honest, that's probably better for a jam. Maybe if you plan to work on it anymore you could take some time to make it more challenging.

Overall, not much to say on this one. I feel like it does exactly what it sets out to do, and I mean that in the best way! Great work!

No you.

Yeah, I liked the concept more than I did my execution of it. I messed around a lot trying to balance it, but finally had to quit if I was going to get anything else done, haha. Appreciate the feedback!

Yeah, it's quite difficult to get too far, both because of some of the physics jank and balance issues. Glad you could sorta get what I was going for conceptually and mechanically nonetheless!

Jank is all I know. Thanks for playing!

Just climb! Sorry, game definitely could have used some instructions, if not in game then at least on the page.

I dig the way the movement works. Feels almost like it could be rage game-y (kind of is with the sun, haha) or would potentially work really well on mobile.

The sun mechanic is a bit extreme I think. It's an interesting idea, and being able to cling to a wall or just sit while it passes can work okay, but several times I just found myself a bit confused when the sun would go away and I was back at the bottom.

Overall, interesting mechanics and what feels like a good base to expand on. Great work!

Fun game with cute art. It does that good puzzle game thing where just when you're getting the hang of things a new mechanic shakes it up. Oh, and you've gotta love those sound effects.

I feel like throwing some ice cubes and whatnot around that aren't necessary for completing the level feels a bit cheap as a player. Or maybe some levels had multiple ways to complete them?

Either way, overall, the game is quite fun. I'll show that smug sun.