I really like this game, and I think it's one of the most complete games in this jam and it actually made me realize stuff as well.
First of, the graphics, animations, and general polish are great. It makes use of a cohesive artstyle, the animations look solid, and everything feels juicy and fun to play. It's super polished, which I think adds to the feeling of it being a complete experience.
More than that, the use of the theme is really smart. Using enemies attacks as makeshift attacks for the player is I think something a lot of games in this jam have thought of (including myself) but the sheer simplicity of it here really shines. It took one simple mechanic and 'ran' with it, which makes for a good solid game.
This game is a solid jam entry, and I think 'ticks off' all the boxes of what constitutes not only a good game, but a good 'jam' game. It shows how you can take one simple mechanic and stretch and use it to a full game. I'm really proud of my game, but I think maybe one of my missteps was being too fancy and having too many mechanics, and playing your game made me realize that minimalism and making good use of a core idea or mechanic can showcase how you can revolve a fun experience in a small solid package.
I think a good game is a game that makes you think about these things, and it definitely made me think, so kudos!