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Hey guys here is an update!  Currently  in the process of tying things up and putting them all in the rulebook  :> 

And I got the writers giving me content to put up heheh~


What is Incarnation?

 Incarnation is a single player Dice Crafting game. It combines ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ style narrative with the elevated symbols of Tarot cards to spin a rogue-like creation myth. 

 Players will perform a tarot Card spread, resolving chance based events to write the story of a life that is being made. The outcome of every decision will both impact the in-game strength of the player, as well as the fate of the Incarnation that is being created.


We've  recently  put all of the events in the rulebook, we wanna put up  a preview here! I've also cleaned up and created  character sheets. 

I think everything is looking very exciting, and we've been working so hard to make this a great game!