You know what? It has been (way too) much time I have had comments I need to check, but I have just clicked to see another recent comment, and was notified of yours which you posted right in between. XD Do not be sorry for answering late, I have done (and am still doing) far worse (out of deep social anxiety, but that is another story).
Thank you very much for the answer; so, there was way more to it! :) And I do remember the game, although not the details of all paintings. ;) I have a rather good memory, at least when I am interested, and I am interested in all games I test, so I could speak of all the games I reviewed on after quickly checking which one is which. :)
By the way, your comment gives me the opportunity to tell you two things I had thought for much time (I have trouble dealing with my things-to-do stack…):
1) I have not played it, but the game Get Meowt of Here seems to be close to yours in concept while also using cats. I have no clue whether you knew about it or not!
2) I loved your small text against social media. I hold a similar opinion. (Oh, checking the website again, I realize there is a misspelling: ‘Acheivements’. Just saying to help! Oh, and is the text gone?) My intuition tells me we may have close personality types; just my two cents.