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Yeah, sorry about the wind. It was a late night Scratch fix after bandlab kept crashing and I just needed one sound. Probably would have helped to move further back from the mike, but looking things up is a good idea.

I thought it would be interesting to give the player some control over which sound was played but leave a randomness to when the sounds were played so that different soundscapes were formed organically over time. For me it’s interesting to hear things blend and change in sort of a sound generator (like throwing sound into a boiling pot), but I appreciate that others might be less into that. I should probably inject more silence into the recordings to cut down on some of the cacophony. It was principally a programing project, and I am pleased that I managed to program what I wanted to do without too much trouble while having fun. What you propose could be an interesting further programming challenge, sort of building a Scratch synthesizer instrument.

Thanks for taking the time to play it and share your insights!😊

Of course! Over all, very cool idea for a project :D