Wow didn't even reach the boss even though you promised to I'm so extremely disappointed... Hehe just kidding its perfectly fine, thanks for playing!
- i'd still consider adding some highlight or something similar, since there are UI elements by default which have that text highlight effect.
Will do.
- you mentioned being interested in the difficulty
Yeah its one thing I find is hard to strike to right balance for, its incredibly easy to make the game really hard and just overwhelm the player; having it easier but still fun is harder. I can get to and kill the boss pretty easily every time but I know absolutely everything about the game of course. I've really started to understand why so many similar games opt for early access. I'd like to increase the enemy variety greatly, I think I could get the balance better then.
But yeah enemies are definitely meant to pose danger differently, sort of like how in DOOM you need to take out the hit scanners first of all because they'll chip down your health otherwise; so take out the shooters while the others will mostly just get in your way. I think I tuned the very first levels too easy though, but sitting still like that can be very dangerous if you don't have another way out for example as if you can't kill them fast enough you'll get overwhelmed. The towers that shoot you across the map are there to incentivize you to keep moving and destroy them, they'll also destroy walls in the path so if you try to hunker down and camp eventually new paths will open up. But yeah if I add more different enemies it'd be better I think.
- my favorite part of the playthrough was making fun weapon combinations.
I'm not surprised considering the game you're making haha. I think the weapons you can only get a bit later are more interesting than the first ones you get, really the whole game plays better a few levels in imo. There are 29 different gun "templates" that can get 46 different modifications right now but I'd like to increase the variety more. And some light crafting.
- a small error i noticed was being able to use mousehwheel on the map select screen.
Not the first person to comment on that, I'll change it.