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Very interesting game, impressed that the time travel mechanics work so well doesn't feel janky at all. I never play platformers nor metroidvainas so this isn't my genre at all. Love the pixel art.

I felt like I had no idea where I was going the entire time, I just ran forwards aimlessly and somehow progressed in the right direction. It felt like you moved way too fast at the start but after playing through it, it was fine really. Same with the speed up ability, thought it was unusable at the start but I got how to use it in the end, using it to fight enemies was fun. I'm not even sure how to actually fully kill enemies after completing the game, I just flailed at them wildly while they were in "ghost form" and they seemed to die.

The most fun parts to me were the shenanigans with time travel, like the juice that prevented you from using it or enemies forcibly reversing you. The boss was great. I didn't care much for the platforming, but again that's probably just me. It could get a bit annoying when you kept dying and dying every millisecond and having to reverse time, especially with the same death sound effect (could be nice if there were several). But I guess that's the game really so nothing to do.

I fucking hated the last area and the vast majority of my deaths were there, only played through it and finished because I'm a stubborn bastard. Some hitboxes felt really unfair but it was mostly evident in the last area, like in the pic below is the exact frame I died on from a hatchet in the ground.

The double tap to jump was nice but sometimes it could trigger to easily, when inching closer to something for example. Maybe its better to play with a gamepad. Would moving the camera around slightly with the mouse work?

I wonder if the timer at the end is really accurate, it felt like I took a lot longer. But I didn't time it myself... And yeah, most deaths were on the last level.

Thanks! There's a lot more unused traps and enemies that interact with time travel in crazy ways, things like desynchronized rewind (try pressing that button in the debug menu if you want to see). The current setup is that enemies are either 'rewindable' or not, and those rewindable can only be killed by a charged attack, otherwise they just rewind. But I think after feedback here what I'll do is add a system that kills them permanent if you hit them with multiple normal attacks while they're rewinding, like 'build up 3 glyphs around them and they explode', so you could just kill them by spamming attacks.

I'm going to adjust some of the platforming, people seem to agree its too fast and the double tap input for dodge sucks, I agree.  And I'm just glad to see people banged their heads against that 1-1 with a twist level even though I intentionally made it stupid. Thanks for the feedback!