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(3 edits) (+1)


Just a tip: add abilities and modifiers, because the game is repetitive and you just created a bunch of clones that change size. (Take it as a way for you to improve)

:^ )

Hope it helped you! Let me know if you want more tips! Just tell me and I'll test it!


  • A menu screen before playing
    Helps the player to get familiar with the game's graphics.
  • A description on how it works
    Lets know the player on how to control the game and on which devices it will work.
  • Different types of enemies
    Makes a change and prevents the gameplay to be repetitive.
  • Lower jump power
    It just jumps too much.
  • Sounds and background music
    Go here on YouTube and find some music, for the sounds you can use Scratch's Sound Library.
  • Decorations on the game's page
    Will you believe it? A decorated game's page helps the game stand out from the rest of the submissions!
    Use a light style if the game has a funny atmosphere, use a darker style if the game is scary or contains horror scenes.
    Go see other games and take inspirations from their page.

I like your idea, and I'm not here to make fun of you or your game (absolutely not) (I will never do that) (please don't report me I didn't do anything wrong)

You can see my game and if you want you are free of get inspired of my style.
