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Thank you for taking the time to craft feedback on my frustrating game. There were several glitches that made it into the final game that I could have fixed if I just had another couple hours. 

      The up/w as jump option is something I usually use, but in this case there was a weapon that the player unlocks that has up and down shooting capabilities, so I put jump on a different button. 

     The narrative ideas that didn’t make it into the game………thank you for saying it. I almost moved away from a platforming game to a point and click narrative because of all the ideas that were swirling around - and the game that I posted did NOT flesh out many of those ideas. Your instincts were right - there was a lot here that was not included in the final product. Narrative should not be ignored. 

Thank you for your clear feedback. It is invaluable to have an experienced view with clear suggestions.