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  • Movement feels unresponsive. There's a delay before the character even starts accelerating, and turning is jittery. Is the animation procedural?
  • What's with having to hold a button to go into first person and then only being able to control pitch with the mouse and having to use A and D to yaw? Why not just have a third person/first person toggle?
  • If the first  person mode is only for interacting with things, just add more camera angles. This is clunky as hell.
  • Don't let the player leave the view of the camera.
  • Really needs a frame rate limit.
  • The character not having his glasses isn't that much of an inconvenience, and the hearing aids don't seem to do anything at all except when you get caught.
  • Is there anything to do except picking up the three items and eventually getting caught by the red guy? Couldn't find anything to use the glove on.
  • Keep the puzzle and horror elements separate. The red guy quickly just becomes an annoyance when you've been caught several times trying to figure out what you're supposed to do (he's really easy to avoid, but that just makes him feel less threatening). I don't think the 2.5 minute timer is a good addition. If you want to add a sense of urgency without it becoming frustrating, just make it long enough that you'll never actually run out of time. A "fake" time limit can be just as effective as a "real" one.
  • Accidentally closed the game 3 times by instinctively pressing Esc before tabbing out.

The glove is for holding super hot water!