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Could you add cliffs and cave entrance to the cliff tiles?

Do you have an estimated time of when there will be more content? Looking for assets for my game and I really like this one but don't want to be slowed down because I don't have sprites I need. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Also, let me be your first customer :) Thanks for the products!


Would also be great if you could divide the tileset more and without the purple color in between. That way it's a lot faster to slice the tileset in Unity. 

Vegetation folder might be missing the ground tilesets.

(1 edit) (+1)

For now the vegetation is actually a lot ground based. but as i said before, i'll be adding some new variety to the next update, probably some different bushes.

You can expect it coming out on the next days!


Aah, I kind of misunderstood "vegetation". My bad :)

Was thinking that it was the grassland tileset since it was missing from that folder.


That's a great idea!
Right now i'm pretty much done with the first update, i'll be adding the hit and desctruction animations for the single barrels and crates and probably some new variety to the scenario.
I'll try to add the cliffs and cave entrance to the tile for this first new update!


That's good to hear! :) Already started to implement your sprites. Would be awesome if you could add a tent when you feel like it so it can work with the campfire. 

Can't wait for you to expand this universe!