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A member registered Nov 27, 2022

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No worries, thanks for replying though!

Are we missing these for the other variants of the tree? I don't feel like this would fit the other color variants.

Will you add vertical variants for this one?

What is the license for using this?

You said not modifying it, is it not modifying and selling it or? We want to create different color versions of them for our game. We have bought the premium. Are we allowed to change the colors?

I like this style, do you plan on making more UI/GUI elements of this style?

Hi chicogames, does this only contain the 5 colors? It would be nice if it contained an orange one too so that it could be use as a "legendary" card. 

Aah I see. That is understandable :) We'll just be patient for your new asset pack!

Hi man, thanks for two awesome Era of Fantasy packages. Will there be a town/village package soon?

Understand, not yet :) But I'll make sure to contact you in the future :)

But will you make more office assets? 

hi man, are you going to make more of this serie? Like the office and this one? 

Pixel Office community · Created a new topic More please

hi man, are you going to make more of this serie? Like the hockey and this one? 

Aaah, I see! Thank you :D Sorry to have been bothering you so much these past days! Think I'll be good now.

Btw, how do I activate the bottom part of this rule tile? Trying to use the wall tile to make 2 tiles high wall, but the bottom part is not being chosen.

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I see, thanks for the clarification :) So far I'm liking Tiled a lot!

I'll be investing in more of your assets as I progress with my game :)

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Oh, sorry, I'll try to explain better. If I use rule 1 wall.tmx and rule wall2.tmx on the same layer, they will not connect right? So then I'll have to use some tiles from the tileset manually to connect them?

The layer thing: If I have a layer with water, the the coast, then the mountain/walls. Then it wouldn't matter if coast layer is not perfect if I put wall tiles on walls layer on top of coast layer since people won't being seeing the imperfection of coast layer? Asking this dumb question because of collision for walls layer

Or I think I'm noiticing that you can just apply the desired tile between two rule tiles in Tiled and it automatically fixes the rule tiles?

Dumb questions: When you use Tiled or any other tools to create a Tilemap. When you're using different rules tiled they don't connect with each other right? So you'll add some tiles manually, correct? And you'll also create layers so that different tilesets will overlap each other smoothly by painting on top of where you want the tilesets to connect?

sweet, that sounds good! I’ll spend some time learning Tiled then :D 

I’ll experiment a bit with the collision. I know that you can put composite collider on a tilemap in Unity and it’ll add it to all the tiles on that tilemap so that may be quicker. Then I can just build in Tiled and import to Unity. Just leaving this thought here for others too.

Hello Rafael! 

Sorry I haven't been on for a while :( Thanks for coming back to me, I appreciate it!

I see, so it wasn't just me not understanding Unity's tilemap editor. I'll try to work with Tiled. Did you try to set up collision as well? If so, did that get imported? Thanks again! :)

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Ooh, sweet! That would be really helpful :D I’ve been using your asset in Unity for the past month, I think the most difficult to setup is the tilesets. Rule tiles and animated rule tiles the most. Props and animations were easy to do deal with. Since that’s more straight forward and case by case usage. 

First, thank you for an amazing pack. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see more from you. I really love the style you are creating.

I'm struggling a bit with setting up the correct rules for rule tile in Unity. Just wondering if you are going to add that in the future?

Thanks man, appreciate the work you've put in

Sweet :D I'm looking forward to more assets from you :)

Hi man, any updates for easter? :D Would love to buy a separate cave pack

That's good to hear! :) Already started to implement your sprites. Would be awesome if you could add a tent when you feel like it so it can work with the campfire. 

Can't wait for you to expand this universe!

Aah, I kind of misunderstood "vegetation". My bad :)

Was thinking that it was the grassland tileset since it was missing from that folder.

Would also be great if you could divide the tileset more and without the purple color in between. That way it's a lot faster to slice the tileset in Unity. 

Vegetation folder might be missing the ground tilesets.

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Also, let me be your first customer :) Thanks for the products!

Could you add cliffs and cave entrance to the cliff tiles?

Do you have an estimated time of when there will be more content? Looking for assets for my game and I really like this one but don't want to be slowed down because I don't have sprites I need. 

Could you add a triangle tent or make a campfire asset?

Are the animations for the little waterfall? Will you be adding cliffs/mountains?

I'm wondering the same

Do you have some sort of a roadmap or a plan for when or how often you'll add new features?

Sweet :D Campsite things would be great! I was thinking like triangle one that's open in the middle that you can enter and some that's closed or half open only for decoration. Thank you for the consideration!

Just purchased the assets. Would be nice with a tent that you can enter and perhaps a campfire too :)