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this was probably the game i was most excited for because from what i saw and read on your blog it was like princess maker and you mentioned you were releasing a new version for DD, but it completely filtered me

the character creation was cool and i felt like it explained at a basic level what mechanics were in the game just by reading through the modifiers

the control explanation at the beginning of the game overwhelmed me and i retained none of it.  the tutorial was long for the few things it taught me. there was something about having to equip two weapons that i didn't understand. i didn't like that the game wasn't on arrow keys + zxcasd

after the tutorial i tried to grind at billy's house because i thought i could play it like princess maker - i grind, maybe i get an occasional day off to be introduced to new mechanics -  but when billy went to town i couldn't find it at all and got lost in the area with enemies.
i assumed the gathering spot next to his house was purposely placed so new players could gather for food on the days he is away but when i used it apparently i spent the day trying to cut down a tree with my hands.
after that i tried to rest but the game indicated that i needed to have been making and storing food at my house (i tried interacting with plants but i don't have the ability) and my character is going to incur some debuff if i try to pass the day. at this point i gave up

i still plan to play more and try to get past my early hangups with the game, these were just my first impressions


Thanks for playing the game. Let me explain some things.

Tutorialisation is somethings I struggle with the most. There is a lot of things to explain to new players, but the game is also meant to be played through multiple times. I tried to make the tutorial area short and put the rest into hint markers around the world, but it's not a perfect solution.

However, controling the game is not that difficult and I play it with the arrow keys, enter and num 0, using other keyes like Q,W or shift only when they are necesary, which isn't that often.

As for getting lost, it happens a lot to new people and I honestly don't know why. The entire map is pretty much a big circle with only few dead ends and every single enemy on the overworld will scream at you for a few seconds before attacking, giving you some time to retreat. Going south to the beach or east around the cave entrace will eventualy lead you to the only town in the game right now. Simply stick to the road and avoid enemies and you will get to the village.

The two weapons part means that you can equip two weapons at once. One is on your belt, second one is on your back. You can equip any weapon you want outside of combat. In combat, you can freely switch between these two wapons, but you can't access your inventory and equip new ones. It basicaly tells you that you can equip a bow and a club and switch to a club when you run out of arrows while also telling you that equiping two ranged weapons is not a good idea since you can run out of ammunition and be stuck with weak bash attacks for the rest of the fight.

Resourcess you get from gathering spots are indicated by their icon. Axe means you get wood, pickaxe gets you stone and so on. Using these advances time by half a day, so you can only do this once before you need to work for someone or rest in your tent. Doing so advances time by 7 days.

Resting in your tent actualy helps you if have enough food. You can still rest when you have no food to advance time, but you will get some debuffs if you do. 

Storing cooked food items in that brown chest near the entrace to your tent turns them into generic food resource which you use for working, training or resting. You can buy already cooked food from some npcs or in the Inn, in the upper right corner of the village where Billy goes sometimes, or you can learn to make it your self. You get ingredients for that by hunting and farming.

As you can see, I just wrote a large wall of text explaining pretty basic stuff. Putting all of that into long tutorial section would put anyone to sleep. Hints in the game world explain pretty much everything to some degree, but the game opens up pretty much imediately right from the start and that can be overwhelming.

To me though, this seems partialy like a good thing. The game is supposed to be played multiple times. There is about 30 different things you can unlock by beating the game and enough trait combinations to make new playthroughs interesting. I really hate games that focus on replayability, but they either have long mandatory tutorials or slow intro sections where new mechanics slowly open up. In sinathir, you can make new character and start playing without any tutorials or introductions in about 30 seconds, which is great for people who played the game multiple times but rough for those playing it for their first time.

I will ofcourse do something about it. I don't want the game to be that hard for new players.