Thanks for playing!
> Attack selection memory
Good idea, I'll add that.
> You being spotted because the enemies saw your party members is annoying
Gitgud ;^)
But it's also to give you a reason to press on after losing party members, since it is then easier to evade enemies.
> Can't move skills without having an extra skill in your menu
I'll see whether I can add that without breaking stuff.
> Exp pills feel pretty useless
Good point, I'll see how I can rebalance them.
> At maximum corset and max corset skill the corset savant effect would not unlock
Ah, that's a bug. I'll fix it.
> Game felt too grindy and repetitive
I'm planning on adding an easy mode in the future. But I guess it still won't be a great experience if you're not interested in the erotic elements.