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(1 edit)

By now, this is how I will rate you:

  • GRAPHICS [7/10]
    The title screen needs to be remade.
    The phones' graphics are ok. (lol Sam's sung)
  • GAMEPLAY [6/10]
    It's just a little too repetitive, try to add size-changing apples.
    The upgrades fix this problem a little because they are like "abilities".
  • MUSIC [9/10]
    The menu music is too short.
    The game's music is good.
  • IDEA [10/10]
    I like the idea, I would have never thought about that.
  • "Overload" THEME [9/10]
    You used the phones' battery percentage.

Summary: [8.2/10]

FINAL VOTE: [8/10]

Thx, i guess it means i did great but I prob won't win if a pro scratch dev appears.

I prob won't remake the game because I dont think it is fair to get help from the community to see their ideal game and then win, so I'll  most likely update after the jam.

I am a pro scratch  developer (my game is very good) but you still have good chances of being ranked second or third.

I saw your game, you will prob win and you would 100% win if the game was completed. I didn't believe urs was scratch at first, lol. Talking about non scratch game, did u see that there is a unity game for some reason who just jonied?

I am gonna be honest, when u said repetitive gameplay, thats what i tried to avoid while making the game. I added the apples to make sure that the player will pay attention all of the time.